View Full Version : back and top of head headache.. achy with neck ache

10-08-10, 15:36
Hello everyone,

Hope everyone is well..

I have had a headache for near on 3 weeks consistently ..

although its been all over the head and at specific points such as the temples and forward.. the pain is now more apparent at the back.. i have had an achy neck throughout the duration of this headache..

just worried that the tension seems to move around frequently.. one point relaxes and another point flares up

any ideas ?

10-08-10, 17:34
all part and parcel of a tension headache - sounds like it is starting to lift to me - when mine went they would be worse/around different areas at different times of the day.

get two tenis balls and lay on the floor on your back. place the balls under the ridge of your skull (you may have to hold them) and leave them there for 5 minutes - this will help to release the tightness

10-08-10, 17:58
Thanks for the tip .. I wil def try .. Do u really think it's beginning to lift .. It has felt a bit better although a bit intense on back of the head .. Thanks