View Full Version : New Member

24-02-06, 09:56
Hiya everyone,

I was reading an article in the Daily Mail about a lady (Nicola Pinney) who had suffered with Panic Attacks and realised she had her own web site so here I am!

I have had Panic Attacks from 2002 but I think they were there before then I just did not realise it at the time. I now have GAD and it is a ongoing battle!!

Anyway I am glad I have found this site!

24-02-06, 10:07
Hi ShakyLady

Welcome to the forum

I joined this week & have gained alot of excellent advice & support, as im sure you will do to.

Take Care


24-02-06, 11:00
nicola is here and will give you loads of great advice. other sufferers like myself will do our best as well


24-02-06, 11:19
i join the same as alex and like alex said you will get lots of support i have already got loads from a lovely woman called jackie

24-02-06, 11:31
Welcome aboard!

This site has given me loads of support and hope that you will benefit just as well.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

24-02-06, 11:34
Hiya and welcome.

Do have a good read up and it is never too late to help yourself and get over panic.

Let us know how we can help you and which part of panic is worst for you.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

24-02-06, 11:46
Hi Shakylady

Welcome to the forum u will get great support and advice, i've been on here 12mths now and it's helped me loads.

linda x

24-02-06, 12:21
Hi Shakylady,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

24-02-06, 13:06
Hi Shakylady

Welcome to the forum.

Perhaps you might like to start by reading the information in the First Steps (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=firststeps) and Symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=symptoms) articles.

You will find a lot of help and support here.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

24-02-06, 19:24
Hi Shakylady

I am that Nicola - so welcome aboard and I hope that we can help you get back on track and help with the GAD too.

Are there any specific situations etc that trigger it or make it worse?


24-02-06, 20:32
Yes having to sit in a room with people. Like a doctors surgery or a School assembley. I hate being the centre of attention (everyones eyes on me). I just can not relax at all.

If I go to do something it has to be quick (in and out). I get panicky over lots and lots but mainly being the centre of attention and having to sit still for a period of time, amongst people/crowds.

I also can not eat infront of people or drink through fear of shaking and this fear even includes with my own family!!

I can wake up sometimes just feeling anxious for no reason and my thought process makes this worse. It is like I want to hide away all the time in my safety net of a home. If the door goes or the phone rings when I am feeling like this I just do not answer it.

24-02-06, 22:21
Hi and welcome to the site.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

27-02-06, 23:40
Hi Shaky,

A big welcome to the site.

Take care. xxxx
