View Full Version : to afraid to sleep

10-08-10, 18:57
ive been suffering health anxiety about my heart i thought i was getting a bit better but for the past 3 days its getting worse. ive come to realize that i have a resting heart rate of about 53 and sometime it goes down to 47 which has totally freaked me out. i went to the doctors and told him he said its normal if your an athlete BUT IM NOT but he said if it goes lower than 56 for a while we should worry which made me worse, he seemed to dismiss what i had told him and put it down to my bloody ANXIETY. now im to afraid to sleep just in case my heart stops, my way of thinking is at least when im a wake i can keep and eye on it and move around when i feel it getting slow is this normal does any one else have a low resting heart rate? really need help :wacko:
zoe x

10-08-10, 19:06
He told you to worry? Idiot.

I have got into a flap about this before. When I am resting mine can be 60 bpm or just slightly less. And I read that an athelete's pulse would be this low, and fit people. I am certainly not fit so I got worried about it too.

I am sure it's fine though but he should have explained what he meant better.

10-08-10, 19:43
Hi zoe are you on any medication???sometimes that can cause it,i take beta blockers..

10-08-10, 20:19
only trazadone but the doctor said that they wouldn't effect the heart rate. im so confused for days it races now it slow. the doctor was no help at all just made me worse i couldn't seem to get an sense out of him im going back Monday to speak to my regular doctor the one i seen yesterday wasn't my normal one. i hate going tho but need to get this sorted didnt sleep at all last nite even after taking my meds so unhappy right now :mad:

11-08-10, 05:48
Hey Zoe,

My boyfriend's resting heart rate is usually between 40 and 50. For some people this is just normal. Definitely go an see your regular doctor for another opinion, but don't stress too much! Remember, if your heart ends up going too slow and you're asleep you will wake up anyway. The body is very in tune with it's functions. You may find that not sleeping enough and being exhausted is causing it to go even lower than usual. When my boyfriend gets really tired and doesn't get enough sleep his heartrate is at it's lowest and his temperature is very low too. Just how his body is.

11-08-10, 11:54

11-08-10, 14:41
Zoe I can't sleep either because of the fear I am just the opposite my heart flutters like crazy sometimes and I get pain. I have an appt. next Wed. which is actually freaking me out and relieving me at the same time so I know how you feel but I can tell you while doing one of my million Dr. Google searches I read on many sites that a normal resting heart rate in a well conditioned person is 40-60 and I smoke and drink coffee, just switched to the lite kind half the caffeine, and I keep my BP cuff with all the time, sad but true. I have checked my pulse and it will be sometimes 62 at rest and this is for a smoker, coffee drinker that is also in her later 30's so I think you are alright I really do. Now if I could just think that about myself, LOL! Oh what a terrible war we have going with ourselves.

11-08-10, 21:00
thing is sookie i smoke too and have been told your resting rate should be higher if you smoke yours sound about right tho its driving me crazy and my anxiety is really playing up today thank you
zoe x

11-08-10, 23:44
Zoe I feel so bad for you. I myself have had a horrible last two days. Next Wed. I am seeing my Doctor for the nerve damage in my neck and for test on my heart and I am SO SCARED! I have always been a care taker since I was 11 and started babysitting and I want to make you feel better but since we are in the same boat I guess all we can really do is bounce off each other which is great IMO that way we can vent to someone who gets it, my family just makes me more anxious. Private message me anytime you need too.