View Full Version : night panics

10-08-10, 20:14
hi, i wake up in the night with heart pounding and hot burning sensations,and negative thoughts, it is really horrible, my hubbie is working away and now my son is working nights, is this normal reaction? has anyone else suffered like this and if so what helps?

10-08-10, 21:07

I also have suffered in the night when my hubby has worked nights in the past...I would get off to sleep o.k and then suddenly wake up (like you say) heart pounding and feeling scared but not sure what of...I then would end up having to doze on and off with the light on. I found reading and sometimes making myself a warm drink would help calm me down. Thankfully it is something that has now passed and if he has ever to go away I find I am quite settled now, but when I had it in the past it was awful.

Hope that helps.


11-08-10, 20:31
hi Jo
many thanks for replying,
so nice of you,it is really weird isnt it,especially when you are fine rest of the time?
I have suffered with panic etc,for years how about you?
I know it is daft and all in your head? but easier said than done when IT happens.
I take bach remedies and think they help loads
thanksd again Gill xx