View Full Version : superstitions?

11-08-10, 00:01
Ok so a photo in my room just fell off the shelf . I think i migjt have knocked it whilst getting something from the shelf above. But a friend once told me it means someone is going to die hence im terrified, its a photo of me and a friend!too scared to sleep, please help!

11-08-10, 10:23
Noone is going to die because a photo fell down. Ive knocked a few down in my time and noones died afterwards!

11-08-10, 11:26

11-08-10, 11:35
i always think of things like this what would something mean if the mind wasnt to think ?
a dog doesnt walk under a ladder on think crap i better not do this ill get seven years of bad luck and i only live for 13 years not good idea :P lol
the mind is greatest illusion in the world

11-08-10, 11:55
I think BritTutor's idea is the best, keep doing it to show yourself. Anxiety made me very afrain once of a chainmail thing that told me I would go blind within the hour if I didn't do this and that. I ended up timing the hour and jumping for joy at my sight that had stayed. I realised how silly I was.
Anxiety feeds of things to worry about, and you are not stoopid to worry about superstitions because that is a worry. Therefor your anxiety loves it and pokes you about it pokey pokey. So put that umbrella up in the liveing room. And play coconuts with the photo.

11-08-10, 12:31