View Full Version : Always thinking I am having a heart attack.

11-08-10, 03:41
I get chest pains, feel like I can't breath the works. Have been checked. The EKG's are always normal and so is the blood work but I am convinced at least 5 or 6 times a week I am having a heart attack and then it sends me into a full blown panic attack. Am I crazy??:wacko:

11-08-10, 09:56
I feel exactly the same Sookie. And it is exhausting and stressful and I hate it. I haven't had any full on testing yet, but hopefully going to get to it soon cos it's just getting too much to deal with.
Sorry I don'y have any advice for you, just wanted to let you know you're not alone.

11-08-10, 09:59
Hey Sookie, I'm exactly the same too. Chest pains, either aching or stabbing pains, constant breathlessness and feeling as if it's hard to take a full breath etc etc. It's an absolute nightmare so I know how you feel xx

11-08-10, 11:33

11-08-10, 14:29
hi sookie
im the same i have had all the tests and blood but still cant except im fine as the chest pain, tightness, breathlessness just wont go away and are the every day for me your not alone
zoe x
p.s your not crazy it just anxiety

11-08-10, 14:32
Last night while sleeping my whole 2 or 3 hours I was turning over and I had crazy heart palapitations so anyone else??

11-08-10, 15:58
Hi there,

Fear of heart attack is very common in panic disorder. Sometimes we think our fear or fixation is somehow worse or more consuming than others, but it's not.

Your heart pounds, races, skips beats because you are anxious and fatigued, just as it does for everyone. The difference is you have become afraid of this strange action, and now you are caught in a cycle that perpetuates the strange activity form your heart: you fear the symptoms, which causes more symptoms, which causes more fear etc.

If you can try and accept that for the moment your heart may beat quickly or may pound or skip beats, and this won't harm your heart in anyway. It's just the way your heart happens to be beating, and you know it's due to your anxiety. Sit back, relax, and let it carry on until it calms down without questioning or analysing. Accept the strange beats and pain as very minor side effects of anxiety and fatigue. Your heart is healthy and can't be hurt by your anxiety, it's designed to beat that way!

11-08-10, 16:15