View Full Version : Do you feel constantly ill?

11-08-10, 08:16
I've always got something wrong with me.

For example this morning I've only been awake 30 mins and I've had heart flutters, a headache with one eyelid slightly drooping, and discomfort in my upper stomach. Sure I could just taste blood in my mouth too.

Every day is like this, a constant barrage of worrying symptoms all the time. 99% of the time there's something wrong.

Is anyone else like this??

11-08-10, 08:41
Hiya sorry u feeling this way have u been docs have blood test etc ?

11-08-10, 08:42
Hi skippy, oh god I'm exactly the same I have constant symptoms it's horrible, I'm always lightheaded off balance, tired, feel sick, Funny vision, headaches and the list goes on. Everyday there is always something, I can't wait for the day that I actually feel well. Anxiety is nasty and plays horrible tricks on us, we are physically well but feel so terribly bad.
Take care

11-08-10, 09:33
I used to get this a lot, but the anxiety I suffer is generally more specific these days and doesn't lead to this general "unwellness". Maybe I just grew out of it eventually? :)

11-08-10, 09:33
Every morning I think it can't be healthy to feel as bad as this! Do you have any diagnosed medical conditions that could be contributing to this- I have spinal problems so have to deal with this every day and as one place is my neck that can give me a huge heap of weird symptoms. So even if you don't have any diagnosed conditions , just tension in your neck muscles from anxiety can produce a whole host of symptoms like off balance- pains in head face- tingling or crawling symptoms in your head / face- sharp pains in your ears/round eyes/head etc etc this is just one consequence of having tense neck muscles!!!!!!!!!! Mine are tense becasue I have prolapsed disc and arthritis but see how the symptoms are the same. The list is endless - anxiety causes same symptoms as medical conditions and this is the big big problem for us we cannot hope to work out the difference so we assume the worst.
I also assume that everyone else gets up in the morning and they feel completely well with no ache pain or odd sensations - my husband begs to differ as he says he has symptoms all the time and pain for various reasons but he does not obsess and worry about them.
My husband has bad post nasal drip which makes him cough and give him bunged up ears- he uses a nasal spray and after a month it improves but always comes back. Now I would be insisting on having a head mri to check out I don't have an accoustic neuroma causing the blocked ear and a chest x ray to check my lungs etc etc no way would I be happy to accept a Gp telling me I have post nasal drip:lac:. I so want to persuade him to get all the tests to rule out it being anything nasty but at moment am holding my tongue!

11-08-10, 09:50
Hiya countrygirl , have u tried swimming to build up muscles around u spine .? has u hubby tried using a neti pot very good takes a bit of getting used to :ohmy:. google neti pot if u never heard of it . i hadn't , tell the yoga teacher mentioned it then showd us how to use one .sorry if i havnt been much help:hugs:

11-08-10, 09:55
Hi Skippy,
I've been feelign exactly the same for ages and was actually telling my boyfriend last night how I'm fed up of never feeling well so you are certainly not alone. I wouldn't wish these feelings on anybody. xx

11-08-10, 10:14
Update - headache is gone but stomach discomfort still there and heart though beating normally does not feel quite 'right'.

I had all blood tests done 6 months ago and all the heart tests - all normal.

11-08-10, 10:53
Hi, skippy i had been on cits 4 9mths sum bits ok other bits more side effects took me 6 weekks afeter cumming off em to feel not so tired n dizzy etc fed up laying in bed most of the day !!!! food played important part still get nervous n anxoius i dont think as much n at least im not anxous n paniky that ive got no energy so if i can get rid of one part of my aniexty i can c a light at the end of the tunnel .wot u diet like ? u got energy ! wn i used to wake upin the morning i dreaded it cause i didnt no if my head would feel muzzy !

Carly Lou
11-08-10, 11:22
Hey every single day i feel ill.... there is always something, headache, or aches, or ear ache or ibs... everyday it is... at this moment i have some tummy ache, pain on right side of lower back and a pain in my right arm.... it does drive me mad, as i keep thinking it is something sinister and it is being missed............ i just dont know what to do, apparently my doctor said that i will notice things alot more because of my high anxiety... well im not so sure, unless i did used to get this but didnt have a care in thw rold so didnt notice it... im only 25 and i do think sometimes i feel 80.... everyday i will feel sick.... its awful, i had blood tests in jan and everything was fine, well except i had a ear virus... its a nighmare............ when will it ever stop ??????? :-( xx

11-08-10, 13:46
can sympathise. every day i have something. aches pains, weakness, funny vision at times, tiredness, feel fluey, feels like my body is vibrating......on and on and on............

sarah x

11-08-10, 13:57
The more I read about peoples' experiences on here, and know of my own experiences over many years of suffering with anxiety, the more I think my GP was dead right with a comment he made years ago.

He said that one of the big problems for people with anxiety is that they are so aware of themselves that they forget the outside world. Because of this, we become hypersensitive to our own bodies and can't look outside of ourselves.

If I think about it right now and monitor my own body, I'm aware of my pulse, have a slightly blocked nose, a pain in my left shoulder, floaters and all sorts of other twinges down my back. But, to be honest, these aren't bothering me at the moment; I'm having a fairly good day and I know that none of them are indicative of anything other than bad posture and working in a stuffy office with artificial lighting.

But I know how debilitating this is; I suppose I'm lucky in that despite my anxiety, I can still function; I do a fairly demanding job and only the closest people to me know that I suffer from it at all. There are a few benefits of getting older - one of which is learning coping strategies to convince the rest of the world that you're like them and not actually barking mad.

What we have to do is stop being so aware of ourselves; we have to try and engage with the outside world and then the stuff going on inside us gets less important. And guess what, most of it goes away on its own. Really.