View Full Version : spinning

11-08-10, 08:44

Don't know if any of you have heard of spinning classes? but for those of you that like me find that physical exercise is a mood lifter and helps eliminate thoughts from your mind for a while; I have to say this type of class is one to definitely try!

Basically you are on a light weight static bike with a dial at the front to ease and increase tension the class consists of a high impact fast paced cycle with standing and sitting speed and endurance with exercises thrown in and all to music blaring out.

Not for those who do not like to be confined as a lot of bikes in one room or fitness studio but my god did it last night it has to be one of the most exhausting but exhilarating classes I've ever done I really knew I had worked and I left with a smile on my face....

So if you can then give it a whirl but make sure you take a towel and plenty of water you will sweat lotsssssssssss.