View Full Version : i cannot cope like this anymore

11-08-10, 09:11
ive had general anxitey for about 4 weeks now, it comes and goes i feel fine'ish in the evening when my partners here and think i'll be fine i'll go back to work on monday. but during the day im so bad i dont know what to do with myself im crying like someone has died. i feel so low and cannot see no end to it.
I just want to feel better. im so sad.
I dont think my meds are working even, ive got such bad head aches every day, ive taken 12 tablets so far first week every other day as per doc and since the weekend every day.
Please can anyone give me some advice please im desprate for help.

11-08-10, 09:18
Hi Sharon

You need to find yourself some things to do during the day, even if at first you really don't want to do them. It's about getting yourself back into a way of life that "normal for you". It sounds to me as though you're better when you have got some company, as obviously that distracts you from how you are feeling.

Also, try and find people to spend time with during the day, and also exercise really helps with anxiety, even if it's only walking. The hormones you produce during exercise help to damp down the anxiety.

Which meds are you on?

11-08-10, 09:25
Im on Prozac 20 mg
Ive been trying to get out but yesterday i didnt leave the house and this morning all ive done is cry. and i just want to curl up in a ball.
I dont even think i will be well enough to go back to work on monday, i feel so crap.

Sorry to go on. xxx

11-08-10, 09:36
The reason you feel different in the evening is because you "think" differently. Your partner is with you and you feel more secure and hopeful. During the day, alone, you have time to think anxious thoughts and to really wind yourself up, especially about work. Keep yourself busy during the day, no matter how hard it is the muster up enthusiasm. Try and carryon on with a busy, normal routine. Occupation definitely helps recovery. I feel for you because I know what it's like to be in the thick of anxiety, but you will get through this. Keeping busy, letting time pass and just accepting how you feel for the moment will eventually bring peace.:hugs:

11-08-10, 09:41
Thank you im going to get dressed and go for a walk i thing.xx