View Full Version : set backs

11-08-10, 09:33
after managing to get my anxiety under control, i had started to feel good about things agan and be more confident

now had set back and feel like i have gone back steps again, i feel anxious all the time and keep having feelings of dread building up, i had one so bad last
week, it overwhelmed me and i thought i was going to pass out, i hate having those feelings as they scare me :sofa:and i want to hide

i guess a few things have been building up, like stuff going on at work and everyone being negative all the time and my other half being horrible to me because i want to spend time with him when i can as hes working nights all the time at the moment where he works and getting blamed because he cannot take days off etc when he wants, it really hurt me, i am in a job that i have been in for 17 years so of course i am going to have slightly more benefits holiday wise and its an office job, he works in a pub

he blames me for everything and called me some horrible things which resulted in me have a break down and i just feel completely defeated and that i just want to give up (not in a suicidal way), in a i cannot do this anymore way

i hate the way i am being made to feel and maybe hes the cause of a lot of my anxiety and the fact that its came back with avengence :shrug: