View Full Version : HELP!!! I'm scared is this brain tumor? please read!

11-08-10, 12:57
Hi, im glad i found this site because i think im starting to lose it! My problems started a few weeks ago when i got out of nowhere a sharp no to intense headache on the top of my head. It scared me to death and i didn't sleep the whole night. The next day i managed to calm myself down but then while searching on the internet i found something about brain tumor and it's symptoms. From then on i kept having sharp headaches every day. Then i got even more scared and searched for other tumor related symptoms and i found seizures. Not long after that i started getting tingling in my arms and legs and even slight muscle twitches which i was sure are seizures (i don't even exactly know what seizures are). Now the headaches are mostly gone, i still feel them but much less common and the pain localized itself in my ears and jaw. I've went to my doctor and she laughed at me when she heard about brain tumor and said it's due to eye strain because i spend a lot of time in front of the PC and said that im perfectly healthy in general. Now i don't know what to think i still get those mild annoying pains and my parents and family keep saying it's also due to growth (im 16 by the way). What should i belive are those real signs of a brain tumor? My knees also hurt and because of that my legs feel a little numb but i guess it's just coincidence. Im scared to death i dont want to die or remain disabled for the rest of my life. Im an arm wrestler competer something like that would mean a disaster for me. My mom tells me that a CT isn;t an option because with symptoms like this no doctor would give me something that expensive for a mere thought. I've also noticed that the symptoms go away when im in the gym or having an activity. Sorry for the long thread guys but im desperate even though im a christian sometimes suicide thoughts are coming in my head altough i give my best to ignore them. Please, has anyone some advice? What is this, what should i do?
Thank you!

17-01-12, 20:11
sorry no one replied to your post. This can be quite upsetting.
I'm 15 and I too have been agonising over a brain tumour for ages now.

I know its gonna be really hard but you really have to stop googling your symptoms because that can actually bring them on and make them worse!
Its probably not a brain tumour. I too having been getting twitches/jerks in my body (when in a sitting position) but am trying not to think too much of them.

And I am also a Christian, I know its hard but really, try not to think about it. The headaches are most probably down to anxiety and stress so put your mind at ease!

When all else fails, turn to God :) He will help you.

God Bless! xx

18-01-12, 09:24
Im guessing you have health anxiety, which is what i have..except my worry is mostly heart attacks, as said before its very unlikely a brain tumor, but i know how you feel because i get the same when im in panic mood, and yes anxiety can cause headache, if it was a brain tumor also it wauldnt go away when your active, it wauld be there constant. I hope this help, and maybe see your doctor about panic and anxiety theropy :)

18-01-12, 10:09
Seizures are not slight muscle twitches, nor is a brain tumour something that comes and goes. The tingling and twitches are quite common with anxiety, and your doctor is probably right, if you spend a lot of time on the PC, then you will get headaches as your eyes are focused at a constant distance.

At your age, and if you are quite active or sporty, then odd pains and strains are very common.