View Full Version : cbt

11-08-10, 14:13
Ok I have been having cbt for the past few months and the therapist has decided I need a psychologist instead. I'm a bit gutted about this cos I worked really hard at it. I also have no idea what to expect from seeing a psychologist. Feeling a little like I've just failed a test. X

11-08-10, 14:22
Firstly you have not failed a test or anything else!

We are all different and respond to things in our own individual ways, embrace the fact that you are going to see a psychologist which may help you help yourself.

Good luck.

11-08-10, 14:34
Ah ty. I will continue with the techniques as there is quite a long waiting list apparently. I would recommend cbt to others with anx/dep. Just came as a bit of a shock, I must be worse than I thought lol.

11-08-10, 14:45
Im on CBT at moment and have been for 6months and only last session was there marked improvement after realy worked at it. but at least it worked. Think of it as "The Next Stage" in treatment. Im staring Phychotheaputic counceling this month and they probably dont want both treatments conflicting. Im imagening the next treatment will pick up from wear the last left off.
It dosnt mean anything bad i dont think, if anything it means its worked. mine said Id uncovered some deep routed problems about my self that whould neef further treatment. Were as CBT seems to deal maily with the surface thoughts and belifs of the now.
Best of luck with it, im sure it will be the right thing for you or at least rule out some issues.

11-08-10, 14:56
Thank you so much you guys. These posts really helped to put things into a different light. X