View Full Version : has anyone had help...

11-08-10, 15:40
Ive been to the doctors and im on meds have been for nearly 2 weeks now.
Ive had no advice from gp of how to stop these panic attacks and general anxiety.
I've tried reading self help books but its like bangging my head against a brick wall. ive tried relaxing and going with it, but the general anxiety is still here im getting to the point of giving up putting my hands up and saying i had enough of it all.
i go to bed feeling good and even been able to smile but on waking im crying and feel like im lossing my mind this has happened now for 2 weeks every morning the same and it takes me alday to recover my head is banging and i feel drained.
Im meant to be going back to work on monday but i cannot see no light at the end of the tunnel im trying to think positve but im so drained.

I really need more help with this. can anyone please advice me.

11-08-10, 16:21

11-08-10, 16:25
Ive had panic attacks on and off for years and ive recovered but they started again at work now im so scared to go back to work. I had them two years ago about job interviews and manged to get my old job back so didnt need an interview but i have no idea why they have started again now, out of the blue and at work.
Im just hoping the meds work and i can return to work and just get on with it but i will still read self help books in case they come back.

11-08-10, 16:30
Hi hun, you need to ask your GP to try and get you some therapy from someone who will help you build strategies to conquer your anxiety.

As you have suffered anxiety before and it went away, can you recall what made you feel better - were there any activities that made you forget about the horrible feelings and that helped you relax? If so, try them again.

All I can tell you is that, from experience, it comes and goes and when it's bad you feel like it will never give you any peace but we all know it will in the end 'cos we are stronger and better than any anxiety and we can get well.

good luck with going back to work - may well be a step in the right direction for you.


11-08-10, 16:30

11-08-10, 16:39
Thank you for your help Brittutor, i will try and get back Monday. I know deep down its the right thing to do, but its just so hard feeling trapped there.
Maggie i cannot remember how they stopped before but im trying to keep busy.

11-08-10, 16:43

11-08-10, 16:49
No its such a small office only 6 people work there doing telemarketing it get boring some times but i chose to work there because its not stressful so i really dont know where the panic has come from, very strange it is. ive been told off for texting before. lol
so try not to do it much now but it would prob help and flowers im sure that would help too.
Its school hols at the moment to so there is only 3 people in so this would be the best time to go back. I just need to get over this silly fear im having. I do think stuff it if i have an attack again then so bloody what but then my mind says noooooooooooooo dont go.
Thank you once again for listening to me.
I do hope you are ok?

11-08-10, 16:55

11-08-10, 16:57
Thank you for your advice, enjoy your walk. im going to write them down. Thank you xxxxxxxxxxxxx