View Full Version : work

11-08-10, 16:01
I was just wondering how many of you are signed off work?

11-08-10, 16:56
good question! thats something i also think about. i really struggle sometimes and never think i would be entitled or allowed to have time off

11-08-10, 17:06
I have been with my current company for 2 years, after a month went on citalopram and was on that until December. Last month I had to concede defeat and go onto sertraline. I have been feeling for a few months like I was going
Out of my mind and my works have been really unhelpful to the point I feel I'm being penalised for complaining and raising what j deem to be grievances that they brush under the carpet and do nothing about. The stress resulted in shingles back in June and I was off for 2 weeks after which Dr wanted me to take more time off to ease stress buy I refused as I still believed my works would come through for me and help ease my situation. 6weeks ago I signed paperwork allowing them to get occupational health report from Dr. Lots of other things happened,I've been desperately unhappy, more depressed and anxious than I've ever experienced before. My hobby begged me for week to listen to the doctor and take time off and the final straw cane last Friday. I attempted half a day Monday morning and cried the entire 4 hours I was in. I went to the dr last Tuesday and got signed off for 3 weeks at the mo. I didn't want to at all but I honestly could not go on as my health has been suffering, colds, coughs and general malaise. Not helped by the fact I couldn't eat a thing I was so anxious. I don't know that it's helped this far but I'm know it's the best thing I've done. Every time work is
Mentioned I tense up and the anxiety heightens. Off for 3weeks at the moment, been a week so far and feel no better, although much much better for taking the time to look after myself for once!
If we think we need it, then we need it. I'll never put it off again!

11-08-10, 17:21
I was signed off for just under a month until going back last week. I have been on a staged return plan - two days last week (just a couple hours), 3 days this week (shorter hours) then back to normal full time next week. It has really helped, the longer you are off the harder it is to face going back and a staged return really helps it to be more manageable.

12-08-10, 09:57
I definitely agree with Paula. I'm a senior trade union rep where I work, and one the things I do a lot is representing people who are having problems with sickness. I've seen loads of times that if you take a long period of time off with stress/depression/anxiety, it can be really difficult to get back to work.

The best approach seems to be to have enough time off to get yourself stable, then go back on a phased return and get back into it gradually. Being inactive and alone is terrible for anxiety, as it just feeds it.

Kerry B
12-08-10, 10:03
Hi Sharon I am currently signed of work have been now for 6 weeks, its seems to be helping me its just taken the stress away as I was finding I couldnt cope with the panic attacks at work and was running out of work and was finding it to much pressure.

12-08-10, 10:31
Hi Sharon,

I returned to work in March after being out for 5 months....if I am honest the fact that I had to change meds during that time probably made it longer than it should of been plus since I have been back (I also went back on a phased return which was the best thing to do) I am still suffering with anxiety anyway, so thinking back I probably could of managed at work some of the time. I think if you need to take time off for meds to get into your system plus giving your body a chance to rest then do so...but I find work distracts my anxiety, yes it is stressful at times but everyone has some stress in their life. So my advice would be take the time if you need it but the longer you have off the harder it is to go back....I used to get all worked up at the mention of work...but got over it and managed to go back.

Hope that helps.

12-08-10, 12:08
Thank you for your replys i feel one day i could go and then the next totally consumed with anixity i think i need to rest my body and mind and wait for the meds to kick in, i dont want to rush things and end up walking out of my job but then i dont want to leave it to long so it makes it worse.
Ive been on my meds 2 weeks now so hopefully they should balance me out abit soon.xx