View Full Version : Panic attacks as pain in breast

11-08-10, 16:20
Hi am knew here. Ive had a really bad 8 months as have had breast cancer.

I am 45 with 3 children.

Just want to be well again!


11-08-10, 16:21
Hi shelleyb1964

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

11-08-10, 16:26
Thanks, just have had a scare and really worried what my knew pain is. x

11-08-10, 16:28
Have you been the docs hun?

di x

11-08-10, 16:34
yeah doc said she could feel nothing and ive had a blood test done and she took my oxygen levels and blood pressure. Waiting for blood test results. But Ive had a mastectomy in May of my left breast and just want it all to stop now. If you know what i mean. Have an appointment with my consultant on Monday. x

11-08-10, 16:38
You poor thing, how awful for you, my cousin has just been through it too.

Monday must seem so long away for you, the good news is you've had all the tests done, how long have you had the pain for?

di x

11-08-10, 16:41
A couple of weeks but not as bad as it is now. The good thing is I cant feel any lumps like last time. The pain is just annoying its not even bad pain but just always there if you know what i mean.

How about yourself? x

11-08-10, 16:46
Is the pain where you've had the mastectomy?

11-08-10, 16:54
No not really but they have to drain the fluid so the drains hurt more than the breast off. I have had a reconstruction and its amazing. Thats why im so annoyed as lost loads of weight looking and feeling good and then this happens. A bit peed off to say the least. x

11-08-10, 16:55
Sorry didnt read it properly. No other breast.

11-08-10, 16:59
I bet you are.

Well we are all here to support you, you sound a very brave woman indeed.

If you need any help at all around the forum give me a shout and i'll help you out.

di xx