View Full Version : advice please

11-08-10, 17:09
Completely nervous, sat im a bridesmade for my friend and i am completely dreading it... Im just setting myself up to panick and i need to keep my cool, does any1 know any good advise to keep myself from gettin panicky. I really want to stay calm and not ley myself or her down, please help x x x:unsure:

11-08-10, 17:43

11-08-10, 18:08
Not really advisable, but to help with the nerves you could have a few shots of vodka before leaving the house. I was an usher at my friends wedding (not as scary as being a bridesmaid, I know) and I had a hip flask loaded with whiskey to help me through the wedding reception, as well as the social nerves I had throughout the day talking to lots of different people.

Having a good dose of B vitamins helps with anxiety too. Take 2 holland and barrett B-50 complex pills a day, every day from now on. I found the B vitamins reduced my anxiety a hell of a lot when I first started taking them. They will also improve energy levels and improve the affects of medication if you are taking any. It all helps :) Good luck for saturday.

11-08-10, 18:26
Hi thank you to you both, am i ok to take the B 50 while on citalopam? Im just so scared i am going to run out and panick.... Just feel so nervous and im tired all time and its an all day thing, totally worried. x

11-08-10, 18:42

11-08-10, 19:44
Thank you so much gonna try not worry and think it as a positive, x x