View Full Version : Learning to love myself

11-08-10, 17:10

Well first of all I want to say how much I love this site and all the great people I have met on here in the past 2 1/2 years. If it wasn't for you guys, I don't know where I would be (you all know who you are).

But the real reason for my post is just that I have come to the realisation that the key to my success (and leaving anxiety in the dust) is learning to love myself and that is what I am doing now.

For most of my life I have never felt good enough, always trying to please others, to make them happy, while neglecting to make myself happy. Living with those feelings, has at times, been unbearable but now I am on a new road, with renewed confidence and a sense that I now understand the key to happiness for me is learning to love myself, first and foremost and everything else will follow.

It is hard to look in the mirror and not like what you see everyday, but I am changing that. I am taking back my mental and physical well being each and every day and looking forward to the near future when I can finally hold my head up high, be proud of who I am in every aspect and be confident in everything.

It all started a couple of weeks ago, when I found the quote at the bottom of my post - I realise now I have been sitting in the storm for the longest time and it never left me, well now I am going to learn to dance in the rain.

It feels so good to be able to finally come to this point. Life passes by so quickly and I want to make the most of the rest of my life. I am setting myself goals everyday and will attain them. This is something that nobody else can help me with, this is a journey that only I can take. I have always been everybody else's rock and now I am going to do this for me, and me alone.

I am excited as I know this will only lead to better things. Who knows what the future holds, but I am determined to make it as anxiety free as possible, stop worrying about the small stuff, do what makes me happy and make the most of it. Enough time has been wasted, worrying, fretting, being self-destructive, its time to stop it and move on.

I hope others can relate to this and take some comfort that once you find the motivation, anything is possible.

I am very happy today and proud of myself for what I have already achieved, albeit baby steps, but its progress.

Again, thank you to all the lovely peeps on here and roll on November when I can meet you all in Manchester.

Take care
Natalie x

11-08-10, 17:37
what a brillaint post ...and so so true.
i think baby steps are the best because they then build into bigger things and stay with you.
i too set myself goals every day and occasionally fall but you lot help me get back up.

nat you are a lovely person and im so pleased to read this post... it is sometimes difficult to love ourselves and to put our selves first...
this post is an inspiration.
cant wait to meet you.

11-08-10, 17:40
What a lovely, positive, inspiring post. You truly sound as though you've turned a corner. I wish you all the luck in the world on your journey of finding and loving the real you because you sound such a lovely warm person and you so deserve happiness.:hugs:

Vanilla Sky
11-08-10, 18:13
Good for you Nat , you have come on such a long journey and it sounds as if you have really turned a corner , so no going back now . I think we can all learn from your post , we all do need to love ourselves instead of all the guilt , hopelessness and all the other horrible emotions that anxiety brings with it. I am so pleased you are finally getting to grips with it all !
You are a warm person Nat and it's been a pleasure getting to know you on here , be even better in November.....

Love and hugs :hugs::hugs:

Paige xxxx

11-08-10, 18:57
About time too missus. :winks:

As you know, I have got some similar issues but because of my big gob, people don't realise it and I don't talk about it.

I'm so glad that you are finally starting to love who you are..you are a smashing person and one heck of a good friend.

Your new journey has just begun and I guarantee it's going to be great.

All my love

Birdybuttyface :bighug1:

11-08-10, 19:15
Ok you guys make me wanna cry. Rach, Paige and Birdybuttyface you are the sweetest people ever.

I still need your encouragement everyday and will return the favour anytime.

LB - I miss you a lot, come back soon and don't forget our meet-up, we still going for cream cakes lmao?

Natalie x

11-08-10, 20:38
May your Rain Dancing be accompanied by many Rainbows

11-08-10, 20:47
just read you post ....and it is inspiring and something i will read over and over again xxxxx thank you so much for sharing with us xxxxx love tracey xxxx

11-08-10, 22:37
Hi Tracey,

So glad you can draw some inspiration from it. Please pm me if you would ever like to talk about anything.

Natalie x