View Full Version : weird headaches/pressure!! side effect??and teeth clenching?

11-08-10, 18:57
hiya again, sorry to be a pain!!! did or does neone have weird or bad headaches like pressure headaches all over head :wacko: when started cit?? and im clenching my teeth..just asking coz i dont want to start worrying as my main anxiety is health anx xxx

11-08-10, 19:38
don't worry, both are side effects and quite common on here.

11-08-10, 19:41
Had both of those for around 3 weeks .. Just relax .. It'd tension causes by stress and anxiety ! Don't worry ..

11-08-10, 20:07
thank you!! head feels like its not mine!! xx

11-08-10, 20:16
thats how i feel too lol!!!

my has moved to stomach and back paiins now lol..

Bloody anxiety :D

11-08-10, 21:06
yep my tum hurts too!!! gonna get thro ths tho xx

12-08-10, 09:47
I've had teeth clenching on another a/d before. Used to buy sugar free gum from a well known supermarket by the barrowload(get them with packets of five gum from one anyway) and chew away when the teeth grinding started.

12-08-10, 10:11
im geting that too not nice.