View Full Version : Anxiety for no reason??

11-08-10, 22:38
Hi all, Been suffering for about 5 years now, i have a few bad episodes of anxiety and depression a year, i had moved forward a long way in myself and felt i was doing alot better but since my mum died in jan 2009 i found myself back in the struggle again i cant understand why it all starts though i dont fear places or supermarkets etc, i just feel like my mood drops all of a sudden and i feel low then the anxiety starts creeping in and i have to really fight to get on top of it, but what does get me the most is the thoughts just normal worrys and anxious thoughts that seem to pop in my head and i get an almost instant rush of adreneline that seems to start in my stomach and rush through to my head and my hands tingle and head etc and heart rate picks up they last for a few seconds but will keep happening with each bad thought does anyone else get this is it just anxiety or quick panic attacks i just wondered if anyone else gets a similar thing? Thanks for reading.:)

13-08-10, 15:48
Ive suffered with anxiety for as long as i can remember, though some days and even weeks i can be fine and feel great then one day i can wake up and everything will be bad. I get a pit feeling in my stomach and dont even want to get out of bed. I get anxious about everything and supermarkets were the worst for me though they are not too bad at the moment. You sound like you have had panic attacks. Have you had any therapy? as they can teach you how to unwind and pull yourself out of having panic attacks and take a bit of control.

14-08-10, 22:51
hi, i did go to see a community psyciatric nurse for about 6 months, felt i made a little progress, but it was causing me as much anxiety going as im also incredibly shy and have always found it hard talking especially about personal things especially to doctors etc i find the doctor useless and always feel ashamed and like i wasted my time everytime ive been to see him, i only go now when im called once every six months for a medication review. I was managing fine for a year or so then my mum passed away she also suffered bad from anxiety i hadnt seen her for 3 years and she drank herself to death i was phoned and rushed to the hospital basically to watch her die all her organs had failed and they said there was nothing they could do for her and said the only option was to switch the life support off i never got the chance to make up with her or say goodbye. This was what started everything off for me again now nearly 2 years on im still struggling with things.:blush:

14-08-10, 23:08
Hey hun, sorry you are having a tough time at the moment but you really need to take a big deep breath and go and ask for some help - at the very least you need some bereavement counselling to help you get your sadness over your mum passing.

I also really think that talking to people who have also suffered from anxiety and conquered it would help you too - there really is hope that you can find strategies to overcome the fear of the anxiety.

Fear is the biggest friend of anxiety and if we can overcome our fears, then anxiety recedes.

Trust me, I have been there and, yes, it still comes and bites me on the bottom at times and it is really tough to remember that I can overcome it and that I will feel fine but I get there in the end using all my strategies learned at my CBT sessions and from advice given by other anxiety sufferers.

16-08-10, 16:54
Hi all -I'm new to the site and am also an anxiety sufferer. i've had it for as long as i can remember but it became unmanageable after my first baby was born. It was a really long labour his head crowned but he went into distress so they pushed his head back up and sectioned me. I'm claustrophobic and they had the drapes too near my face so I was freaking out about that and then it took 10 mins to ressusitate my son. It was horrendous. I couldnt sleep for 6 mts worrying about cot death. I wouldnt even let my hubbie take him in the car incase they had an accident! I still worry all the time about hubby or children dying. I never realised before all of this that what I was feeling was anxiety -my mother suffers with it but she used to tell me when we got that feeling in the pit of our tummies it meant something bad was gonna happen cos we had a 6th sense! i believed that right up until I had some counselling last year lol! I felt like such a wally when I realised what it was! imagine all the times I was waiting for impending doom! I still havent found a way to manage it and a Pscychotherapist charges E120 p/h so thats just not an option at the moment! Any tips would be very welcome! Sorry for the long post!