View Full Version : Fearfighter and the other programs

12-08-10, 00:01
I know that there are other threads about fearfighter but what I'd like to know, and which hasn't been discussed here as far as I now, is, how do you find out if your doctor is able to refer people to fearfighter / beatingtheblues / cop / any others that may be out there.

Also, how do you refer yourself?

And how much do these things cost?

12-08-10, 00:06
I think your GP has to register for fearfighter for you. Some of the others are open to anyone.

Why not ask your GP about it and see if they can refer you and get you a login on there.

If they are NHS run they will be free

12-08-10, 00:07
Beating the Blues is the most advanced computerised program for depression and the only one with evidence of effectiveness in the NHS . If you live in the UK you should be offered computerised CBT as a part of your treatment. Make sure you get the best quality – ask for Beating the Blues
Beating the Blues is available completely free of charge from the NHS. If you think that it could help treat your depression you should ask your GP or health care worker who should be able to arrange for you to use the program.
The NHS Availability Map (http://www.beatingtheblues.co.uk/patients/access/patients/map/) lists the availability of Beating the Blues by PCTs. If your area is covered and your GP thinks you need the treatment, then you should be able to get free access.

12-08-10, 00:12
Yes I'll call them. But what if they don't? I mean, I was just reading something about primary care trusts and how not all of them have licenses for it. What if my doctor's one doesn't? Do you think the doctor him/herself will be able to tell me what to do, or is there some other way of finding that out, or finding out how to refer myself (assuming that the doctor doesn't know)? I don't trust doctors to know what they're talking about. I wouldn't be surprised if most of them haven't even heard of these programs. They're just drug dealers really.

I posted this just before realising that you'd posted again. Thanks.

The link doesn't work, by the way.