View Full Version : muscle twitches/spasms?

12-08-10, 00:09
Does anyone else get muscle twitches/spasms? Just before, during and after an attack I get them all over my body.

They can last for ages after and by the time they've worn off I am SO tense and sore :(

It's really unpleasant.. does anyone else experience the same thing? I always thought I was alone in this until I read the symptoms on this website.

12-08-10, 00:11
my arms go all numb....and then i know i am going to have an attack...its horrid isnt it....but you are definately not alone xxxxxx

14-08-10, 08:15
Does anyone else get muscle twitches/spasms? Just before, during and after an attack I get them all over my body.

They can last for ages after and by the time they've worn off I am SO tense and sore :(

It's really unpleasant.. does anyone else experience the same thing? I always thought I was alone in this until I read the symptoms on this website.

I have been having a panic attack since yesterday morning, my first continual one whilst at home. I have been shaking all the time. Especially my legs, it is horrible, hope you feel better soon.

15-08-10, 20:04
I have been having a panic attack since yesterday morning, my first continual one whilst at home. I have been shaking all the time. Especially my legs, it is horrible, hope you feel better soon.

Thank you. It's also good to know I'm not the only one suffering. Oh I hate when my legs shake.. especially if I'm standing.

I hope your attack subsides soon, that sounds really unpleasant.