View Full Version : Panic and anxiety gets worse at that time of month!

12-08-10, 07:04
Do any other females find their anxiety is worse when they are pre-menstral? I find the week before sends my body crazy especially with heart palpitations and it makes me extra uneasy.

12-08-10, 07:36
My anxiety is a lot worse the week before I'm due. My dizziness is really bad and my heart reare increases too. It is very common for us ladies to have increased anxiety at the time of month. I feel I'm never free from it now as I have gone to a 3 week cycle.

12-08-10, 08:16
I have suffered from this for many years and running on a 21 day cycle it was a nightmare. I am now going through the menopause and it has got even worse as the hormones are all over the place. I could actually tell you when a period was due by how bad my panic was!!

Carol xx

12-08-10, 09:18
i have the same problem its a night mare as if things anit bad enough, mine are all over the place but i know when their gona come because i feel so bad and my anxiety just shots of the chart
zoe x

12-08-10, 09:22
Same from me as well; for years now I've found that my anxiety is worse around the time of my period. Like Carol, I've also found it's got worse with the menopause.

12-08-10, 09:46
yes very common unfortunetly :(

12-08-10, 13:15
Carol I am just the same as you.
I was so bad before and during a period that there was no way I would leave the house even with some one with me as the dizziness was so bad. Like you I was on a 21 day cycle so a lot of my life has been ruined.

I have not had many periods lately and went a whole 4 months with no period and felt so much better in myself with out them.
Then got one and was so bad had to lay on a sofa really ill for a week with tiredness weakness and being dizzy really bad

12-08-10, 21:48
I am currently suffering severe PMS (Well my period came yesterday). Is it normal to suffer the symptoms for 10 days leading up to and then during your period? I don't remember the symptoms lasting this long before.

Also, does anyone else feel strangely towards their loved ones around this time? I'm feeling like I don't want anyone around me, and am feeling panicky / anxious about my new relationship. I am feeling quite strangely about him, which is so bizarre as I was smitten and now I feel I don't want him near me..... I remember this from a previous relationship years ago, and have heard of women going off sex when pre-mentstrual and hating everyone around them.

So I guess Im the same as a lot of women?? It's worrying me that I feel this way towards him cos he's so lovely and hasn't done anything to make me feel like this..... hormones???

13-08-10, 03:13
Thanks ladies, good to hear I'm not alone. I feel like I am just getting on top of things and then it's the week before and my anxiety goes up a notch and I feel helpless all over again.

Erin27, my poor husband cops a fair bit of flack around this time of the month. He can't do anything right and I yell at him a lot. It's like I'm a different person. I have tried changing birth control pills to find one that suits me and stops my hormones from going all over the place but to date I have not found the right one.

13-08-10, 04:09
Thanks tones27tga. Sorry to hear you suffer so badly too. Poor men... they must be so baffled by our behaviour.... they don't have a clue!! Hope you find something that helps.

13-08-10, 11:28
I am the same too....my anxiety is high at the moment due to PMT. Sometimes I get it just after too which is weird but I guess my hormones are just sorting themselves out.

15-08-10, 19:56
I'm another sufferer and the symptoms can come on up to 10 days before I'm due. It doesn't happen every month, but usually it does. Aside from dropping things, forgetting everything, crying and not being able to concentrate, my anxiety and depression goes into orbit. The day before I start is the worst - I'm get in such a state that I feel I should stay in bed because I am pretty much unable to function mentally at all. I'd give ANYTHING to be free of it.

16-08-10, 01:19
my anxiety levels are higher round my time of the month too, i seem to panic more aswell, not helped just now by the fact that mine were due a couple of days ago and not got them yet, been getting my crampy signs and my headaches i get when i am due but i have been going through a lot of anxiety lately and i know that can make them erratic for me

16-08-10, 04:41
Yes for me too! I am just about due and my ectopics are driving me insane!
As for the question with pushing away loved ones......I believe it is natures way of telling us that it is not time to conceive and the hormones that are released kind of promote a chastity effect!