View Full Version : hair dye fear

12-08-10, 08:02
been all looking forward to having my hair done,today BUT have just cancelled the appointment from fear of having allergic reaction to the hair dye,! been thinking about it all night and got myself so worked up this morning had to cancel it,i been going to the salon for over 10 years having my hair coloured with no problems, all this phobia stuff really getting me down ,i get over one thing and its something else tht get my fears going, i start CBT this morning ,just hope it works , as am getting fears of everythings ,find am checking food in supermarket for nut allergy ,i have never had any food allergys before and im 45 yrs old.fear of medicines is another, no idea where this hair dye fear has come from ,

12-08-10, 09:17
I think this is where you should put your foot down, when your anxiety and fears start to intrude on the things that make you happy, you should throw caution to the wind and make a conscious effort to over-ride your paranoia.

12-08-10, 09:30
i was like this my hair got so bad my partner said he was ashamed of me which then i knew i had to do something but was so frighten it would make me ill. anyway my friend is a hairdresser so i asked her to come an do it for me. the night before i didnt sleep, i was worrying so much about. i let her do it any way for shame shake. when having it dye i started to panic even tho i have never had any type of reaction to hair dye in my life and have been doing it for 8 years. but i put up with it and im glad i did it looks alot better now.it horrible fearing something you wouldn't normally i know how it feels, but you just got to think if it never harmed you before its not going to know :hugs:
zoe x

12-08-10, 10:09
Hair dye reactions are pretty rare, but one thing that has been identified is that you can become allergic to hair dyes if you've had a henna tattoo.

I would have thought that you could ask your hairdresser to do an allergy test a couple of days before if you're really concerned about it. If the allergy test is fine, then the rest of you will be.

13-08-10, 15:15
If your really worried ask your stylist for a skin test. They put a small dot of colour either behind the ear or on the crease of the elbow, this should be done 24-48 hours before the service. Iv'e been a hairdresser for 2 years and have never seen an allergic reaction from tint. I completely understand your fear as when I have mine done I always panic, although i'm not sure why. However if a reaction did happen ALL stylists are completely trained in quick colour removal and almost no reactions are severe at all. Just ask your stylist to sit or stand with you for the development time if your really scared (I do sometimes). You'll be fine. Just breathe :)

Going home
13-08-10, 18:34
I'd never reacted to the skin test they do, but a few years ago I did react to it with a few small raised itchy spots so they didn't want to risk dying my whole head, but what the hairdresser said was having highlights or lowlights is fine because the solution doesn't touch my scalp at all so no reaction. Now I always have highlights and i'm absolutely fine. As has been said already, if you're in any doubt about the dye ask for a skin test first...they usually work.

Anna xxx

Sammy J
14-08-10, 21:05
The skin test should rule out any problems honey.

I actually have a severe hair dye allergy which originated from having a semi-permenant black henna tattoo so I know just how bad it is.