View Full Version : Chest pain, heart palps and heart drama in general HELP

12-08-10, 08:39
Hey guys,
so this last week has been bad for my heart fear, sun, mon, tues, I had very painful muscular pains on my abdomen, going round to my upper back and into my chest/ ribs... Which had me worried it was deferred heart distress pain, also had bad reflux at the time, but didn't have any heart pain or palps or those skipped beats then pounding that steal your breath away so was able to rationalize but last night I flipped out a bit, I had a HUGe heart palps/ skipped beat followed my huge pounding completely made it hard to breath I was like ok ok ok I can deal with this... Not 20 secs later I got a quick sharp pain in upper right side of chest kinda closer to outer ribs than centre I began to freak I ran to my room and went to bed... Bed is my safe place. Checked my bp and heart rate it was very high 168/90 bpm 115 then I got another pain in the same place in chest. I kept checking it for the next hour trying to calm myself down bp got as low as 99/55 which worried me as it stayed there for awhile but mostly was around 118ish/66 with heart rate remaining in the 80s which I thought was high for lying still got to 78 which made me feel slightly better, after this episode I felt very weak and tired and my chest felt overall sore with some lightheadedness, as soon as I woke up today I took my heartrate as soon as I woke up because dr oz says if it's above 75 u have an increased risk there's something up with ur heart usually mines like 60 but today was 80 granted j did wake up from a scary dream. So I decided since my dr offered if I got anymore heart palps n pain shed give me a test but she did say I didn't need one as all my tests from this year have been normal blood tests ecgs n holter monitor which I had feb, march. My dr is away and the receptionist put me on hold for 5 mins then said go to the hospital so they can monitor u I freaked and was like it's not that bad o just need an ECG to reassure myself but now I'm very worried it's serious and I should go to a & e although I know it's not to bad now this afternoon my chest is sore not painful and bad, also I walked down stairs and breathed in deeply and my chest hurt, basically I was worried I wouldn't know heart attack pain what if I'm having it right now and not knowing it! So scared of dying from not knowing what's heart related pain, any advice will be well recieved. Thank you

12-08-10, 09:48
i have the same problem for the past few days i have been really bad but yesterday was the worst, stabbing pain in the center of my chest that lasted 15min each time with these i couldnt breath right and when i did it hurt really bad and got very dizzy which led to my chest feeling very sore when the passed had the through out the day about 5 times in all in between i would get heart palps and got very scared, i phone the hospital help line and they told me not to worry they are probable muscle spasm which are making my anxiety worse and so i enter into a big state of panic. im still sore today, my blood pressures ok but m resting heart rate has gone from 53 to 96 for the past two day but i have been told that anything up to 100 is nothing to worries about. im sure theres nothing wrong but if you feel so bad go and get check theres no harm in that. i wanted to go to hospital but couldnt get anyone to take me as i dont drive myself. the more you think about it the worse it will get get checked tho to put your mind at ease
zoe x

12-08-10, 10:06
Hi there blueeyed

From your login, I'm working out that the "87" is the year that you were born, which makes you about 23 if I've got the maths right. :)

Heart attacks are really, really rare in people of your age, particularly in women as until the menopause, the oestrogen in our bodies seems to give us protection from heart problems.

If your chest is hurting when you breathe in, then the most likely causes for this are anxiety, as your body is really tense, or you have a chest infection (which I think you would notice, as you'd feel poorly).

However, as your doctor is away, then the receptionist probably gave the best advice that she could, which is to go to A&E if you're really worried about how you're feeling. If you've had normal ecgs etc a few months ago, then I would bet (and I'm not a betting person) that they're still fine now.

You could always get another appointment with your GP when he/she comes back from holiday and have a chat to help put your fears to bed.

12-08-10, 16:07
Thanks so much for the support :)

yes I'm 22 and I get reassured all the time it's very rare to have a heart attack so young but I still worry...

I hate that my bp and heartrate is higher than usual these past few days it does my head in.

Also does anyone get a sort of fluttering vibration
in chest?

13-08-10, 09:10
The fluttering sensation is very common, I've had it loads of times myself - and I think you'll find that lots of other people here get it as well. I've not totally sure what causes it - it could be a group of ectoptic beats, or it could be muscle twitches, or even caused by your stomach.

13-08-10, 10:06
Hey hun. I would say stop taking your heart rate and bp so much. The readings your getting is normal for panic. Also there are always variations in bp and pulse rate during the day depending on mood, hunger, tiredness etc. Most of the time your bp is normal. Health care professionals only really worried about sustained trends not individual readings. Heart palpitating and pains are prob anxiety but go get it checked and put your mind at rest. Take it easy on yourself. x

14-08-10, 01:26
Hey Blue I am going through the same thing with the chest pains and pulse rate shooting up like crazy. It is so scary but I keep trying to tell myself that this has went on for months and I'm still here. I see my Doctor Wed. thank God because I can't take the worry anymore. But I know this is so hard to believe but I really think you are okay! Are you remembering to remove your cuff and take only every 15 minutes? I know very hard to do but please try and take care of yourself!