View Full Version : tiredness

12-08-10, 09:35

I seem to panic more and generally feel more anxious if i havent slept very well and im hungry, does anyone else get this? i was just wondering as i thought this a long time ago and i now link them all together so not sure if im just searching for reasons for not!

12-08-10, 09:54

12-08-10, 10:32
yes i know what you mean

12-08-10, 10:33

I am the same....especailly with tiredness....had a pretty awful day yesterday, slept o.k but still feel tired today...thankfully its my day off....cos my anxiety feels pretty bad today!!!


12-08-10, 14:19
yeah I tend to find myself feeling sick and anxious when I'm tired, in comes in stages with me, I'll be good for a few weeks, then all of a sudden out of the blue I'll feel pretty bad for a few days then it seems to go again in the blink of an eye. In the middle of one of my bad spells at the moment? I don't get it coz I was out at the weekend having a great time and everything was fine, then all of a sudden, boom?!

I've been on citalopram for about 6 months now, 20mg, not too sure if I need to up the dosage? I spoke to my doctor about this the last time I went i and he said to stick with the 20 coz that was the standard dosage?

18-08-10, 21:27
Without a doubt, tiredness for me has a very big impact on my moods & anxiety. If I'm tired my anxiety goes through the roof. As a baby & child lack of sleep had a huge impact on how I dealt with things. For instance, for a few weeks before xmas, birthdays, or holidays I would be so excited that I would not sleep well. By the time the event came around I would be so highly strung that I would be ill, usually sick & tearful & it would ruin the event. Once I started sleeping again, I would be ok.

So, yes I do think tiredness can make anxiety & panic worse.

19-08-10, 01:20
Solution :

Always have healthy snacks ready to eat at any time. I get the same thing and earlier today I steamed a load of vegetables for tomorrow. And have plenty of bananas ready (eat 2 or 3 each day). Then you'll always have something to snack on. And get vitamin tablets and have one a day. And drink 2 litres of water, and 3 or 4 chamomile teas. With all of that, you should feel full enough, no to mention whatever else you normally eat.

As for the tiredness, or anxiety about whether or not you've had enough sleep, go to bed when you're genuinely tired or you start yawning, and get up more or less when you feel like it. If in doubt, have a half hour solid nap at some point. That's enough. If you do that, there's nothing whatsoever to worry about.

Problem solved.

eight days a week
19-08-10, 03:28
Absolutely, my anxiety is very much worse after little sleep or food. I find that lack of sleep and food tend to go together, (when I'm tired I don't eat properly)...but if I haven't slept well but have managed to eat well things are much much better.

Regarding food, I believe it has to do with blood sugar levels.

Leafar offers some good tips. Unfortunately it's often easier said than done, but aim for that generally and hopefully things will be better very soon :)

20-08-10, 00:01
I'm the same. Especially when depression hits too - it's very hard to motivate myself to eat well and not snack on biscuits and chocolate. I don't drink coffee at all and only take decaffeinated tea. Caffeine in tea, coffee, coke drinks and such, triggers anxiety symptoms.

Most authorities on sleep recommend setting a bedtime and sticking to it, with a wind-down routine beforehand. No TV or computer for an hour before, as they stimulate your mind. Some light reading, music, relaxation tape or a warm bath are more beneficial. It may take a couple of weeks for you to adjust to the new routine. If you cannot sleep when you are in bed, it doesn't matter. Just tell yourself that you are resting which is good. This works every time for me and I usually go off to sleep. If not, I get up and read for 1/2 hour, then go back.

Napping in the day will not help. Fresh air and exercise will. So if you feel tired, try taking a walk or go out into the garden for some air.

I think leafar's solutions are probably impractical for most of us to maintain and please do not take any vitamins or other remedies if you are on medication without checking with your doctor first.