View Full Version : scared of work

12-08-10, 10:30

I currently commute to work which takes an hour on the train. I have 4 close people at work who know about my panic disoredr and really help me, 2 of them travel on the train with me also. However in the next month they are all leaving as they have new jobs. im so scared of having to travel and stay in work all day on my own, just thinking about it makes me panic and they are still here at the moment. im not sure if i can do it. i dont have the confidence to find a new job and i cant not work as i nede the money. i dont know what to do

12-08-10, 10:54

I am exactly the same, takes an hour on two different buses to get to work. I had to tell my manager about my anxiety when I was off for a few weeks and just went back last week. It might be worth speaking to your manager? I would encourage you not to quit unless you have another job to go to, and sometimes I think finding a new job is more stressful than staying in your current job when you are giong through a bad time. When you are travelling how about trying distraction (I play games on my mobile phone or read a paper) or relaxation techniques (close your eyes an concentrate on deep slow breathing / feeling your muscles relax). People on the train will just think you are resting your eyes or having a snooze! I actually prefer to be on my own on a journey than will work colleagues because then if I feel panicky no one will see me like that. It will take time to get used to travelling by yourself but it will get easier. Hang in there x

12-08-10, 11:13
thanks paulaf i will try, i guess its not the travel so much but actual work. my friends keep me talking etc so my mind is not on panicking, withyout them i feel im just going to talk myself into an attack. i guess your right though as long as i try to keep to it it will just become routine

12-08-10, 11:13