View Full Version : Angry

12-08-10, 12:19
Been docs this monrning coz I've been having trouble with my neck - stiffness and pressure. In discomfort all all over really with my bones. Took me four days to get an appointment - to see some locum. Anyway, I tell him what the problem is and first thing he says is "I notice from your records you've stopped taking the Citalopram" Yeah, and...? What's that got to do with my neck and the fact that I'm so stiff I can't move in comfort? Could tell by his face he didn't really take me seriously. Do they have a note on our records that highlights the fact we have anxiety or depression and that we're probably not really ill, just anxious? Its made me angry but also scared. Will any medical problem you go to see them with in future be addressed properly. It's made me feel totally helpless and at the doctors mercy. Dependant on whether he/she thinks an illness is real and needs investigating or symptoms of anxiety and to go home and chill out a bit. It has shaken me a bit. :unsure:

12-08-10, 12:28
Neshpot I totally get where your coming from I have been unlucky to have quite a few serious medical problems and i was once told by a locum doctor that I took up way too much of gps time by being neurotic!! And a hypochondriac he would not take me seriously at all. I spent 3 days in agony before I plucked up the courage to see another doctor and lo an behold I had acute tonsillitis which was so severe i was nearly admitted to hospital. The locum doctor wouldn't even look in my throat! I made a complaint and haven't had any problems with doctors since.
If your still worried go for a second opinion!

I hope your ok

Claire xxx

12-08-10, 12:40
I will do Clare. I know its probably some sort of arthritis - not much you can really do for that - it just struck me how dismissive docs can be once they see you have anxiety. :) x

12-08-10, 12:46
i think your right ,they just seem to dismiss us when we have anxiety unless we say look i feel ill nothing to do with my nerves that what i say it works demand to be examined i thy don't ,

Kerry B
12-08-10, 13:01
I think the same Doctors don't take Mental Heath issues seriously and what worries me is they seem to put every symptom down to Anxiety which sometimes it may not be the case.

12-08-10, 16:06
ive had a similar case kept going to gp because memory was sooooo bad they sent me to shrink it was in fact because of overactive thyroid!