View Full Version : Not again... Help!

Natalie x
12-08-10, 12:23
You may have seen my post yesterday about my heart worries. I've been doing really well today and trying not to chenck my pulse and trying not to worry, but just a seconde ago, I took my pulse in my neck and I couldn'f feel it until a second later. I panicked straight away and I'm worried that my heart stopped. Do you think this is what happened? My Doctor told me ages ago that it's very hard to take your pulse in your neck and I'm hoping that I just wasn't touching the right bit. I was also doing it earlier when I was walking quickly and I'm scared that it had stopped then as well, but then I thought I may not be able to feel it because I was walking.

Sorry to ramble on. I just need some re-assurance to try and calm me down. I don't wanna go through the whole day worrying again like yesterday.

Thanks x

12-08-10, 12:30
Didn't I tell you yesterday to not take the pulse in your neck? Seriously. It carries the blood and oxygen to your brain. It is most likely that you weren't locating it properly and that's why you couldn't feel it. Sometimes if your blood pressure is at a certain level you can't feel the one in your neck well anyway (and that is given for EVERYONE not just people with anxiety).

How did you get on at your app yesterday?

Natalie x
12-08-10, 12:34
I know, I just couldn't help it. I'll try my hardest not to do it again. I hope that that's all it was. I'm totally paranoid. It wouldn't have stopped would it?

Yeah I got on okay thanks. I didn't tell him about my worries though. I know that I should have :weep: x

12-08-10, 12:41

Natalie x
12-08-10, 12:48
You had me going there for a minute!

You're completely right. I'm really gonna try my absolute hardest not to take my pulse and try and enjoy the rest of my day and stay calm. I take homeopathic tablets for whenever I feel anxious so I may take one of those and hopefully that will help! Thanks again x

12-08-10, 12:50
STOP CHECKING YOUR PULSE. STOP WORRYING ABOUT YOUR HEART STOPPING.hey you might think we who check our pulse are being silly and worrying too much BUT REMEMBER WE HAVE HEALTH ANXIETY that's why we do it ,,Not something we enjoy

Of course it stopped. That's why you're now dead and we're now talking to a ghost. (Ooops, sarcasm again.) The very fact that you can run around like a total idiot, panicking like mad, heart beating wildly is the best evidence that in fact your heart is VERY HEALTHY and VERY GOOD at dealing with your anxiety. Your anxiety symptoms actually are a CONSTANT reminder that your heart is VERY healthy. So instead of checking your pulse, enjoy your racing heart and your ability not to sit still as constant proof that your heart is working quite fine indeed.

12-08-10, 12:52
Why didn't you tell him how you'd been? No wonder you're still panicking if you didn't discuss it.

Serious if you really must take your pulse and you relaly need to stop. Don't take it in your neck, take it in your wrist. You don't see a Dr taking it in your neck and there is a very good reason for that, because it is a major vein and carries the blood to your head. Stop stop stop taking your pulse in your neck.

Natalie x
12-08-10, 12:59
I don't know why I didn't tell him. I just said that HA is the one thing that I really wanna focus on and he was asking how I deal with the small blips that come up.

No, I'm gonna try my hardest not to take my pulse at all. It's a habit that I need to break. I've done it before so I can do it again.


12-08-10, 13:01
I'm not bullying you as I know how hard it is, but you really do need to be completely honest with him as he's there to help you.

12-08-10, 13:02
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - health anxiety is so so so awful....i know a few of us have this and it can consume...if you can as others have said stop checking then hopefully these feelings will pass....i know it is oh so hard...but hopefully you will achieve this. as you said its a habit..like chewing ones nails....it can be broken xxxx
thinking of you and wishing you a "not checking my pulse day" xxxxx let us know how you get on please xxxxxxx

Natalie x
12-08-10, 13:13
Thanks Calm. I will keep yous updated later :) x

12-08-10, 13:14

Natalie x
12-08-10, 13:15
I know, I should have told him . I spoke to my boyfriend about it and he gave me a row about it too! Sometimes I just find it hard to talk about things. I think it's just because I've been doing so well and now I'm back to square one :weep: x

12-08-10, 13:17

12-08-10, 13:18
talking can be oh so hard...but you know wot...why not make another appointment...write it all down and when you see your gp...pass the note over..just say i cannot talk about it myself...but here it is xxxxx

just make bullet points and that will open the conversation....and then hopefully you can discuss and find some solutions xxxxx

love tracey xxxxx

Natalie x
12-08-10, 15:15
Guys, I'm getting worried again because a few minutes ago I had a sense as though I was floating if that makes sense and now I'm scared that my heart did stop. Any re-assurance? Thanks x :weep:

12-08-10, 15:31
I appreciate everyones thoughts for help here. It is true that dr. take wrist pulse not neck. I will try to do better too. Having rough past several days myself.

Natalie x
12-08-10, 16:16
Anyone? x

12-08-10, 17:56

12-08-10, 18:40
Floating is a typical symptom of anxiety - and right now you are experiencing a lot of anxiety. Try repeating to yourself that it is not your heart, it is just anxiety.


Natalie x
12-08-10, 23:53
Thanks for your replies guys. I've not checked my pulse that much since earlier and i managed to go shopping for 3 hours earlier. I realised that when i didn't think about it then i wasn't reali feeling anything. I've still had the strange feelings but im trying to ignore it. I need to try not to think into things too much. When im nervous il keep like moving or shaking my leg and i've become aware that when i stop thats when i get the feelings and i think this is because i can feel it through my body when im shaking my leg. That probably sounds mad but i hope you know what i mean! x

Natalie x
13-08-10, 10:37
Hi guys. I've been having an okay day so far and managing to keep the worries at bay, but it only takes one thing to throw me back. I'm so scared about this whole heart stopping feeling and I know that I'm not alone as others have the same problem on here. I just can't seem to get it out of my head everytime I get a weird sensation. Like earlier on I got a funny feeling in my chest - almost as if it is empty or hollow if that makes sense and then I auromatically thought that my heart had stopped and now I'm getting into a further panic. Can this happen? I'm only 18 and have had 2 ECG's about 2 months ago and both came back fine. Can anyone please re-assure me or has anyone ever had this kind of feeling before. I keep thinking back to when I felt it earlier and I'm panicking because I can't really remember what happened if that makes sense. Why can't this feeling not just stop? :weep: Thanks x

13-08-10, 11:00

Natalie x
13-08-10, 11:16
Thanks for your reply BT. I just get so scared with these feelings. I suppose I just need to stop it and get on with things. I can't libe my whole life worrying. It might not even have been that. I'm just assuming it was because of my feelings. You're heart doesn't work like that does it? x

13-08-10, 11:47