View Full Version : wasnt going to flap but i am!! hosp apt monday please tell me not to be stupid x

12-08-10, 12:25
ill try and make this short,dentist found that a lump id got that used to come and go on roof of my mouth was a tooth cyst,been there for ages(attatched to a pin on a false tooth) and referred me to the hosp(this was in april) ne way in the meantime it got infected badlly,went huge, agony but then burst!!! (the stuff came out of my nose!!!sorry tmi lol..)since then the lump has never come back but it does feel weird when i press where it was, like pressure on that tooth,im wondering if the cyst coulld still be ther but just not filling up nemore? my health anx wants me to believe that theyre going to find cancer everywhere in my sinus, or the cysts cancerous etc,etc,etc, ive been ok till just had a phone call to confirm my apt as theyve got a space on monday dont want my weekend ruined by this, and ive just started takin cit so bit ropey as it is xxx

12-08-10, 16:44
nobody loves me everybody hates me!! think ill eat some worms!! lol xx:)

margaret jones
12-08-10, 16:50
Hi Bexy sorry you are feeling poorly Eat worms uggggggggggg i am sure that Mon must seem a life time away but it will soon come around Try and keep busy and occupy your mind with some puzzles or something .

Please dont eat the worm ( poor worm )

Take Care Maggie

12-08-10, 17:08
Everyone referred to the hospital always thinks the worst!! It'll be just that the dentist can only do so much and the hospital have the equipment to do further tests and treat it once and for all. Could even be stronger antibiotics you need to clear it completely. Remember, it's mostly never the worst case scenario that we think. You'll probably come out from your appointment on Monday feeling relieved!!:hugs: