View Full Version : anxiety and pmt - sorry all you men out there

12-08-10, 15:15
just a quick question really does any one elses anxiety levels heighten the week before their period is due. i have had this problem for months and months now - my anxiety/panic has been around since october last year but does worsen at this time of the month. i have been tracking this and mentioned it to the GP to see if there was anything i could do about it but he just said not really and that i would have to put up with it - great. it is getting me down now though - generally i am doing a lot better than i was but i have had a few panic/anixety attacks at work this week over really stupid things and i am sitting here at my desk and could just burst in to tears but i don't know why. any advice really appreciated. :)

12-08-10, 15:26
Hi Jackie,

I too have had anxiety since Ocotober last year when I had a bit of a break down and ended up having 5 months out of work....went back in March on a phased in return for 4 weeks before going back full-time. I am still battling with it even though I am trying different meds to help combat it...I have found that my anxiety does worsen at the time of the month also....I am in my mid 40's so wondered if some of it is hormonal. I have read on here that others suffer too, so we are not the only ones!!

I read your post and thought My God that so sounds like me as I have had a bad week with anxiety resulting in me sitting at my desk yesterday and just bursting into tears!!! Everything just got to me and like you say today I realise they were just silly things that shouldn't make me feel that way normally!!!

Perhaps its something in the air?? Wierd how two of us have felt pretty similiar.

I dont know it that is any help to you but at least you know you are not alone!!

Take care and hopefully better days ahead for us both???


12-08-10, 15:50
thanks for the reply JO, sorry you are feeling the same this week, its rotten isn't it. we do sound very similar i have also had about 5 months off between oct and april going back on a phased return and in general am beginning to learn to deal with anxiety/panic and am on sertraline which helps. i am also mid-40's and when i had my blood test checked last year it came back as no where near going in to the menopause but i suppose things may have changed since then. i am always so glad when i start my period as the symptoms just seem to float away for a week or so at least. take care and at least the weekend is nearly here.

12-08-10, 18:31
My anxiety levels were definitely higher for the week before my period. So I asked my GP to go back on the combined pill (as I never felt that bad when on it), and it seems to be ok again.

12-08-10, 20:55
yesss!! i am terrible a couple of days before and all the way through, my gp just said that it makes it worse and maybe coming off the pill doesn't help too...it is hell though! i guess when anxiety goes down it just becomes annoying for a few days again rather than crap on top of crap!

12-08-10, 21:35
I am currently suffering severe PMS (Well my period came yesterday). Is it normal to suffer the symptoms for 10 days leading up to and then during your period? I don't remember the symptoms lasting this long before.

Also, does anyone else feel strangely towards their loved ones around this time? I'm feeling like I don't want anyone around me, and am feeling panicky / anxious about my new relationship. I am feeling quite strangely about him, which is so bizarre as I was smitten and now I feel I don't want him near me..... I remember this from a previous relationship years ago, and have heard of women going off sex when pre-mentstrual and hating everyone around them.

So I guess Im the same as a lot of women?? It's worrying me that I feel this way towards him cos he's so lovely and hasn't done anything to make me feel like this..... hormones???