View Full Version : Eye Floaters

12-08-10, 15:21
I have had what I believe to be eye floaters in my left eye for around 6 months. I have had no flashing lights, or curtain falling over my vision but now I have noticed what appears to be one in my right eye. I am extremely worried that this is retinal detachment or something equally as scary and have done for the past 6 months or so. I'm not sure if this new floater is actually there or if I am imagining it. When I close my left eye it is very hard to see this floater in my right but with both eyes open together, it seems easier to see. Could this be a floater in the left eye appearing to be in the right eye? Or could I be imagining this new floater? Please help and reply. Thanks in advance for your help.

14-08-10, 02:59
Floaters tend to become more noticable rather than more proliferent due to mere vigilence. The visual cortex tends to cancel them out from detection unless staring at a very light background.

Floaters are actually not floating at all, but constitute a small wrinkle formed by a space between the vitreous humor (gel-like substance which gives the orb its shape and reslience) and the retinal wall. We typically only become concerned with floaters suddenly appear in multiples within a very short period of hours or days.

Stress is often observed in persons with increased incidence of floaters. The observation of the floaters themselves would not be cause for concern. I would also tell you in the same breath that the internet is an extremely poor source for seeking an evaluation or diagnosis. It's simply good practice to be directly evaluated by your eyecare specialist as a matter of sound general health practices.

You'll be fine.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)