View Full Version : My anxiety through the roof again

12-08-10, 18:42
I am there again, in that pit, that horrible scary pit & my anxiety & panic is as bad as ever.

Problem is, I think it's 2 fold. My hormones, I really do believe that my pmt is getting far worse again (prob my age as I'm 45 now, so prob peri).

And, my husband is going to work abroad & will be away for several weeks at a time. Kids & I could have went (although I hate flying & have severe anxiety when away from home, but may have managed it), but eldest sitting his exams soon, so it's not an option.

I am ill. Some days I can almost feel normal, but other days I just can't handle the thought of doing this.

Everyone says that I will get into a routine, I am strong, I will be okay ect. But, I don't believe a word of it.

I have tried postive affirmations, praying, telling myself I will be okay & that I can do this, doing eft, self hypnosis, the lot!!!! But almost everyday my stomach is in knots & I cry at the drop of a hat.

I just feel between my hormones & the situation my anxiety is so bad that I might spiral more & more down into a depression. I can't go there again.

Please, has anyone else with anxiety experienced their partner or spouse going away from home to work?

If so, I would love some advice.

Also, think I need to tackle the hormone issue but know they will put me on tabs & that scares me too!!!!:unsure:

12-08-10, 21:10

13-08-10, 08:56
Hi there

From my own experiences, going peri has done lots of horrible things to me. My migraines went from 3 or 4 a year, to 3 or 4 a week(!), which led to me ending up on beta-blockers. I felt generally unwell, but it was difficult to put my finger on it; lots of muscle pains, tiredness, lethargy, but nothing specific turned up except declining hormones. Anxiety levels went through the roof, and then I started getting severe hot flushes and palpitations (25 hot flushes was a good day, they were that bad).

As a result of this I've ended up on HRT, which I wasn't very happy about, but my GP said he would take them if he were in my shoes, as the risks attached to them are actually smaller than gets trumpeted about in the media. I don't want to stay on them for ever though, as I still suffer from quite severe PMS, which isn't particularly pleasant.

Dealing with your partner having to work away from home is very tough; it's something I've had to deal with from time to time, and I don't enjoy it at all. I have to make sure I've got that much to do that I just fall into bed exhausted and sleep, as I really hate sleeping without him there.

Do go and see the GP about it, and have a chat about what can be done to help, as HRT isn't the only option, and you might find something that relieves some of the symptoms.
