View Full Version : Nosebleeds?!

12-08-10, 20:58
Bit weird but has anybody had nosebleeds as a result of anxiety?

I used to get them quite a lot when I was little but haven't had them for years.

Out of a week I've had 2 days where I haven't woken up with a nosebleed. However it is not a lot of blood just probably 20-30 drops maybe and never lasts more than 5-10 mins ish.

I am on citalopram but I have been for quite a while prob 2 months? But this is my first month completed on 20mg?

Just hope it isn't anything to worry about?

Is it just a stress reaction?!

12-08-10, 22:51
Hiya supersezza yeah i had the same problem 3 mths into taking 20mg of cit went to see the doc about it his first port of call was a BP check and it was slightly high. He didn't seem tobe concerned about it or the nosebleeds however the bleeds have stopped now so if they persist to worry you (which they do) go and have a chat with the doc all the best with it sure you will be ok Gazz.

13-08-10, 03:44
Noses are curious contraptions - they are lined with erectile tissue that is the same as the penis....as such the mucous membrane can swell under control of the nervous system. If you are in the middle of a sympathetic flare also known as a panic attack good chance it will be breathing free. Long term stress and the tissues can swell and dry out ( or it can drip) - this often results in a condition called vasomotor rhinitis.

These mucous membranes are engorged with tiny, tiny blood capillaries that are very easy to rupture...the more dry the easier to rupture. If you keep it hydrated with something like Ocean spray (or a Netti pot)or a lubricant and keep you fingers out it stays pretty happy.