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View Full Version : 9 months on still the same

12-08-10, 21:26
oi oi people

im at my wits end ive read lots of posts but haven't seen one that i can actually relate too.

basically in a nutshell i cant take anti anxiety drugs they seem to send me alot worse to the point im housebound with anxiety, so the doc has basically put a stop on anymore meds.

so what now in myself i do everything i can but cant shift em i have days when im back its like the lights have turned on.

i feel useless sometimes like i cant cope with anything like everything is too much for me........it feels they only way i can describe it like i have a really really bad cold but its not a cold its anxiety...then it slowly gets worse over a few days then i get a full blown attack scary isnt the word.....but im starting to get used to em.

i have to talk myself into doing most things ive not had a day off since i went back to work in jan.....everyday is a battle with myself....i sleep well im used to it now but sometimes i wake up with the shakes then i know im not going to have the best of days but plod on.....i also get headaches that last for weeks, ive stopped taking meds for them because nothing gets rid of them they eventually go and thats when the good times come....

if im honest i hate my day job its really boring i sit there and do nothing all day and would love to do something else.....but i just dont know how i am going to feel one day to the next.....its become now that i dont actually enjoy doing anything until on the day if im back i enjoy it like its my last and when im bad i know at some point ill have a good day.....but i can be bad for 3 or 4 weeks until i come round. I have no idea where this started.

im really fun and a bit of a party animal if im honest and i still do these things but i just dont enjoy them as much anymore.....

i haven't given up, but if this is my life its pretty miserable......i hate being ill.......

anyone have the same thing re meds ive tried everything but cbt which i do in september if that doesn't work......well i better get used to this oh joy...as 9 months on the only difference is im not as scared as i used to be and they dont disable me like they used too xx

12-08-10, 21:49
oh carter......ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i dont know wot to say....so no meds have helped!

i do hope the cbt helps xxxx u will get alot of posts that will offer advice xxxx

love tracey xxxx

12-08-10, 22:16
thats what most people say as you can tell.......im lovin life at the min and full of confidence er not xx

12-08-10, 23:16
It sounds like you are motivated to get well Carter, im sure that the CBT will help you as it helps change the negative thinking patterns.
Ive just started sertraline, its day 2 today and i have been more anxious than ever, its awful isn't it.

14-08-10, 10:49
Yeah its all I waana do is get my life back on track.......just a struggle to get motivated when you feel like a loony sometimes......9 months is a very ling time thou.

I feel like my docs have given up on me and when you feel like that its hard to stay positive.