View Full Version : Worried I have Melanoma

12-08-10, 21:49
I realised the other week after looking at some old photos (summer 2007) that a mole which at the time was tiny like a speck on my back is now a lot bigger (about the size of a rubber end of a pencil) I don't think the growth has been rapid as I'm pretty sure it is the same size as last year but it has grown over 3 years

I went to the docs straight away expecting her to dismiss it but hoping she didn't. I took the photo with me. As soon as she looked at my back she said I think I will refer you. She said it doesn't have characteristics of melanoma but as it has grown and quite dark she will refer me.

I've got an appointment at the skin tumours clinic on 8th Sept and am now really scared they are going to turn around and tell me it's melanoma and that it's spread as I have left it so long since the mole has grown to the size it is now ( I thought it had always been that size until I found the photo!) I've also got two enlarged lymph nodes in my neck, One that has been there since beginning of 2009 and one came up a couple of months ago. They are not large (probably less than 1cm) and wax and wane almost by the hour. I have also had Full blood count which was clear but I am still convinced that the mole is cancer that has metatisized (Sp?) into the lymph nodes.

So scared!!!

12-08-10, 22:18
I understand that you are scared but really until you've had it checked out you cant jump to any conclusions. Docs refer you on a better to be safe than sorry basis, if they thought it was cancer they would have told you that. Concentrate on what the doc actually said, 'doesn't have characteristics of melanoma' is doctor speak for I dont think its a melanoma but just to cover my ass on this I'll get it checked out anyway. Humour the doc, and get it checked out and stop worrying that it will be the end of you.

12-08-10, 22:20
hi sarahlouz please try not to panic the GP is refering you because they are unable to make diagnosis of moles exactly accurately. so the specialist will give you a definitive diagnosis it does not mean it is melanoma.
you should keep in mind that moles can get larger without being cancerous so keep busy while you wait for your appointment and let us know how you get on.

im sure you will be absolutely fine.

13-08-10, 09:58
My aunty had melanoma on her wrist and it was unmistakable - it was huge about size of a 2p piece and it was jet black and lumpy.crusty and had a very deep red angry edge. having actually seen one helps. I also need to say that my aunty was 60 at the time and she had surgery and she is now 81 and still going strong.
If your Dr really thought you had a melanoma then they can insist on an appt within 2 weeks so the fact you are having to wait a bit longer means its not the most urgent of appts but glad you aren't having to wait too long.
Let us all know how you get on- will be thinking of you

13-08-10, 11:46
Also, docs will always err on the side of caution with moles these days, and will advise removal if they think there is the tiniest chance it might be anything dodgy.

13-08-10, 12:22
Thank you everyone for seeing it from an outside prospective. I hate this health anxiety!! Everything I've googled ( I know I shouldn't!) doesn't ever mention moles just growing for no reason especially once you are in your 20's. Said most mole should stay the same after teenage years I'm 26. Has anyone ever had one grow over the years. My back probably has had the most exposure over the years but I have never been badly burnt!

13-08-10, 18:29
Heyy my ex had a mole that randomly grew- it was a normal mole, nothing cancerous!
I don't think you have anything to worry about! What you have to remember is that the doctor would have HAD to get you into the hospital for tests within two weeks if she suspected cancer! They can't leave it any longer!
Seen asthough your appointment is in sept then I reckon you will be fine =]!
Try and forget about it for now and stay off google haha! I know s easier said than done as I am in a similar position right now! (got to have a biopsy on a lymph gland they think is "nothing to be concerned about" - that's in september aswell!)
you'll be fine xd xxx

14-08-10, 00:05
Hi, Moles do grow after your 20s and Im proof of that. Ive had 4 removed that had changed over the years and all of them were fine. A friend of mine had Melanoma at stage 4 and her mole was out of control. 6mm big, different colors and angry looking and she is fine now. I understand your worry because thats one of my main health anxiety triggers. Adelle. :)

23-08-10, 09:57
Great I was doing ok until this morning when I have just heard two people at work having a conversation as one of them has a suspicious mole and the other one was saying about someone they know who has a mole on their back and it has wrapped itself around their spinal column or something and the person is only 25. Started me worrying again. ARGH!!!

It's overhearing/reading about other people that always set me off. Thinking if it can happen to them it can happen to me.

23-08-10, 10:47
Just thought I'd add my experience in hope that it will help you.
Ihad just had my son and was breastfeeding him, when I suddenly noticed a small pale mole I had always had on my breast was changing colour and getting bigger. I left it for months worrying and watching it change - it ecventually turned dark brown (I am very pale skiinned). Went to the doc's and she referred me staight away althpough she also said she felt it wasn't cancerous.

It was fine! Removed and not cancerous - I was worrying as it literally grow and changed it front of my eyes over a period of months! Now left with a small scar.

You will be fine - I am quite sure of it :)

23-08-10, 11:05
Ah thanks for taking the time to tell me your story. I just need to remember for every bad case there are probably hundreds removed that are fine. Sometimes it's hard when you hear about worse case scenarios. Can 't wait for my appointment date to come round.

I bet yours grew due to pregnancy hormones. I've read that can happen. I haven't been pregnant in the time mine has grown ( I wish!) but maybe other hormonal imbalances that I suspect i have might have had the same effect.