View Full Version : Had such a good day then this happens!!!

12-08-10, 21:51
I'm on antibiotics an one of them is a rather large capsule. I'm terrified of swallowing them but I've been doing so well now I've gone an got one stuck I can breathe an swallow but it's still there I've drank loads bit it won't budge :( now I'm panicking an I'm on the verge of a full blown panic attack :(

I'm in tears now so frightend I'm gonna choke :(

12-08-10, 21:54
You won't choke - you'll just feel uncomfortable for a bit. Eventually the capsule will dissolve or move down of its own accord. You will be fine, just take deep breaths, distract yourself and wait for the thing to shift :-)

12-08-10, 21:55

margaret jones
12-08-10, 21:56
Hl claire you wont choke hun have a warm drink that will help to move it from your upper chest area .into your tummy

Take Care Maggie

12-08-10, 22:14
Thankyou so much for your replies! I've calmed down a little now. I've had a really stressful week and I'm worried about tomorrow basically I'm on antibiotics for a infected abscess they've been seeing me every 2 days for the past week at my gp surgery but it's not getting any better and I've got an appointment tomorrow and if there's no change which there isn't they are going to have me admitted to hospital for iv antibiotic treatment! I hate hospitals :(

My stress levels are now through the roof!

Thanks again for your replies

13-08-10, 00:24
i had that happen to me once and a friend of mine told me to eat small pieces of bread. he said the bread would drag anything in the throat down.