View Full Version : Another day - another worry!!!

13-08-10, 07:08
Today i feel as though i keep needing to wee, i have got irritable bladder that flares up every now and then , along with so many other things, namely ibs, fibro, anaemia, anxiety, reflux - the list is endless and im soo scared.
Its just one thing after another - hate the feeling of needing to pee all the time, sorry to go on!!!

13-08-10, 11:13
Hi, I also have an irritable bladder at the moment and am trying to cut out coffee, tomatoes, citrus and chocolate etc and also bladder training by holding on for at least 2 hours in the morning and 3 hours at other times. It is helping slowly buy I still have it after 6 weeks. It is, however, much better:yesyes:

Hope you feel better soon.

13-08-10, 20:31
Thank you, im trying to do the same by holding on for as long as i can , but it takes alot of will power, i know that it works though as ive done it before. Health anxiety is awful and makes me feel so depressed.