View Full Version : update on docs appointment...

13-08-10, 10:54
hi my friends,

i visited the doctor and she was very understanding.....i cried for the first time in absolute ages!

well...she is keeping me on the same dose cit 20mg but has given me betablockers to try and calm the anxiety down until the cits kick in...they are called propranolol. she said that i wont need diaz with these.

has anyone had the cits plus prop as well xxxxx

thinking of you all today....thank you for yesterday i dont know how i would of coped without you all...today...still feel panic/anxiety but i know you are all here for me as i am for you all. much love, tracey xxxxxx

13-08-10, 13:44
Hi Tracey

Glad to hear the appt went well but remember that you have to put in some work yourself too! :D

You know those panics can't hurt you (you're still here!) so shrug them off..if they happen go and do something else instead.

Small steps lass. :hugs:

13-08-10, 13:44
Hi Tracy ,just caught up with your posts .I took beta blockers and they did help greatly with the racing heartbeats ,This will help you to control the Anxiety more .Hopefully the Cit will start to kick in soon ,or an increase will be needed .Well done for eating yesterday and for managing to work .Its early days yet but im sure you will see an improvement soon .Take care Luv Sue x:hugs:

13-08-10, 14:46
I was on propranalol and citalopram years ago. Im currently taking it with seroxat and mirtazapine. So theres no worry about mixing it with your ADs.
Its a great pill that takes the edge of your anxiety by stopping your body from reacting as strongly to the adrenaline in your system. It will only work on a physical level, so it wont play with emotions or thoughts.
Good luck!

13-08-10, 21:14
thank you so much for your messages xxxxx i do so appreciate them....i have taken the new pillls, twice a day - i was a little anxious but reading above has settled my mind xxxx
thank you one and all.....hope you are all having a good friday...its pouring down in bedford xxxxxxx