View Full Version : One thing then another

13-08-10, 14:44
Hi all

I have just got rid of the throat tightness but instead it is now replaced, I think, with another nasty HA so I just wanted to see if anyone else has this:

I wake up and my vision is blurry for about 15 minutes, then they come back but I feel just a little dizzy and like my eyes aren't focusing properly straight away but I can't shake it off. I went to see my optician on Tuesday and he said my eyes are great, no problems at all - and he did every test he could do. Optic nerve, not seeing double coz the neurological stuff is working fine...all great. I do have a tiny prescription and he reckons my brain has just noticed it and is on high alert to it now. Great. So I don't know if the dizziness and eye thing is my anxiety blowing up or what.

Does anyone else have just slightly odd, maybe a little blurry vision? Of course I am now starting to convince myself its a brain tumour. On the other hand my sinuses are annoying me so its possibly that.

I am keeping it under control at the moment but I know its only a matter of time before I start freaking out about it although I'm determined not to google it.

Help anyone???

13-08-10, 15:15
Hi there

I have been getting this as well. Its like they are still asleep even though your up and out of bed. I seem to get it when i feel like ive had loads of dreams? No idea what it is but dont like it either:lac:


13-08-10, 16:58
Its fine, eyes are often blurry or stuck together in the morning, particularly if you overslept. You know its health anxiety and you are not in pain so tell yourself that. If your health anxiety makes you think "could it be...", tell it "SO WHAT! I AM BUSY RIGHT NOW MR ANXIETY. GOOD DAY TO YOU."

13-08-10, 20:22
Thanks guys.

So I'm wondering if this slight dizziness is depersonalisation? It's like I realise things have happened a fraction of a second after they have and my brain is catching up, including my vision and thats making me dizzy and confused. Sound right?

I know I am building this anxiety because I am going to see my boyfriend in the USA in 2 weeks and I am terrified something will happen to me beforehand to stop me. He doesn't understand HA so I have nobody to talk to about this...probably another reason it's building and building again.

14-08-10, 17:26
I think you are just noticing these things. You are anxious about seeing your guy and these things are making themselves known to you and its getting more and more difficult. You must distract your mind from dwelling on yourself, keep busy. Thats the way anxiety works, it puts you off the best moments. Of course depersonalisation is a symptom of HA because you are focusing inwards so I wouldn't be surprised if it was that as well.