View Full Version : do you ever wake up in the morning and think

13-08-10, 14:52
Have you ever woke up in the morning and thought, oh i feel alright today then within an hour or so you start to feel woozy and start having little nigly pains in your chest and your head feels tight for the rest of the day?????, feel depressed as i am unable to understand why cant get rid of these symptoms!!!

love to hear your story's on how you feel in the mornings and your everyday symptoms?????:flowers:

13-08-10, 15:56
I hate the mornings, and dread the day ahead wondering whether I am going to have my thoughts that distress me with me all day or not. Today has been a bad day, I have felt anxious and worried for nearly all of the day. I find it really hard to get motivated to do anything on a morning and am consumed by my upsetting thoughts and it can take hours to shake them, if I manage at all.

I am in the 4th week of taking citalopram, and whilst it has helped a little I just get rid of one thought and another pops up!! I am almost afraid to let go of my upsetting thoughts just incase I need to hang onto them incase they are true. x

13-08-10, 15:58
Did you have any side-effects?

13-08-10, 16:49
Absolutely. I feel like that so often. Its weird, i know that they say that out minds are sensitised by anxiety and its so true. For me it feels almost like being more physically aware all over ...kind of like there is a bubble around me that stops me from properly connecting with the outside and it causes me to be over aware of ME and my body functions!!!

Either that makes total sense to guys or youll be thinking im mental LOL!!


13-08-10, 17:37
totally understand lisa, for me if im having a bad day it consists of blurred vision, woozyness, tension headaches, chest pains and lathergy!!!!, when i feel like this i just want to go to bed and stay there till it passes, but cant as i have a 8 month old baby to look after and feel so guilty because i just wish she would sleep all day sometimes!!!, when i have good days i usually only get floaters and the odd chest pain and shortness of breath!!!!

its the woozyness i hate cos i constantly think im going to pass out, then makes me paranoid that there's something neurolicaly wrong with me, which then makes me more woozy!!!!!!!

are you on any meds????

P.S soz for any spelling mistakes x

13-08-10, 17:53
I'm usually okay in the morning. But i have had times when I've woke up feeling fine and then BANG I feel awful. Headaches, dizziness etc... When I did CBT I was told that It was down to your thought prosesses. Whe you wake up, you feel fine but as the hours go on you start negative thinking which gets you anxious, muscle tension etc and 'all of a sudden' you feel crap. But weirdly enough If I feel symptom free, I find it weird and kind of start thinking that something is missing... WHich then leads to me feeling really awful. So at times I just can't bloody win!

13-08-10, 19:06
im exactly the same ella, its crap aint it!!!!, have you ever found a way to shake off the feeling when the anxiety kicks in cos i havent and any advice would be gratefully recieved!!!!, just feel desperate to get rid of these feelings!!!:mad: