View Full Version : Away from home, I need to calm down. Desperate please help me!

13-08-10, 18:31
Staying at my mums with 2 children as it's the summer holidays. Anxiety VERY high, had a panic attack yesterday, and today anxiety all day. On verge of another panic attack as I just can't seem to have any control over my symptoms.
Please can anyone help me to calm down? What can I do/ think to help me. No one here knows how I'm suffering, I'm so ashamed!
Please please anyone, tell me how to help myself?

13-08-10, 18:36
Aww popsy,

I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling too good.

Try and remember they are only feelings hun and as bad as it feels it won't harm you.

Is there any music you could go off and listen to, i find this controls my anx instantly, i can't think when i have headphones in, go and sip some ice cold water too.

And above all you have nothing to be ashamed of.

di xx

Going home
13-08-10, 18:40
Firstly, maybe you need to tell your mum what you're going through as it might help with some of the anxiety...coping with the symptoms alone makes us more anxious. My mum is from a generation who didn't talk about nerves or depression and she's a strong no-nonsense woman, but when i broke down in front of her once, she was amazingly supportive..none of us want to see our children suffer and i'm sure your mum would feel the same. Don't be ashamed of how you feel.

Secondly, I always feel much more anxious when out of my comfort zone, and even though its only your mums house you're in, its still not your house and the fact that you can be anxious in private in your own house makes a huge difference. Being in somebody else's house with their routines can upset the balance, and you feel you have to hold on tight to your anxiety which makes it ten times worse.

Anna xxx

margaret jones
13-08-10, 18:50
Popsy hi you poor thing feeling so anxious away from home . but remember this is your MUM and she will do all she can to help you, tell her how you feel ., Think if it was your children feeling like this surley you would want them to tell you so that you could help them .

Please try not to worry like dI says these feelings are not nice but they cannot hurt you .
:hugs: lol Maggie