View Full Version : Head shakes!

24-02-06, 22:40

I have probably had about every anxiety symptom going! but had a new one recently which I haven't read about anywhere!
When I am really tense or nervous, the whole back of my head shakes. It normally happens when I am lifting a glass of drink to my mouth! I know that sounds weird! But I had to do a presentation for a job interview the other day and I went to have a sip of water and the whole back of my head started shaking!! Hope they didn't notice!!
Anybody else had this??


24-02-06, 22:43
hi ya clarec i have had this, i also get these wired head tingles to wich i have not really read about they really scare me.

amanda x

24-02-06, 22:44
yeah I have had the head tingles too! but i have read about that being a symptom so it doesn't bother me too much!!!

24-02-06, 22:55
Hi Clare,

I found my shakes were to do with my medication. I went straight to the doctor & he put me on different anti depressants straight away.

Take Care


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24-02-06, 23:07
I'm not on any medication... maybe it's just the tension thats doing it..other parts of your body shake when you are nervous, so why not you head??!!!

24-02-06, 23:10
I think you must be right in that case, as you say your not on any meds. If you are worried though have a chat with your doctor for peace of mind.


Many People Will Walk
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21-07-09, 17:34
Hi there i to suffer from this mine is quite extreme everytime i talk to someone, its horrible im here if you want to talk about it, best wishes and good luck

21-07-09, 23:30
Yes i have head shakes as well especially when my anxiety was really severe.