View Full Version : Not so sure...

13-08-10, 20:17
Hiya everyone,

I'm not sure how to say this, because, I'm not so good at english but I will try my best, sorry if you can't understand it, please tell me and I'll try to make it clearer

I seem to be feeling sick everyday for about three weeks now, been sick about 6 out of the 7 mornings each one of those weeks, got a headache and my visions blurry...

Now I know you lot aren't doctors but any advice/ hugs/ help wud me feel more safer.

Thanks *hugs you all*


13-08-10, 22:07
Mornings are the worst for anxiety for me too. I would wake up feeling sick every single day and wouldnt eat anything for fear of being sick.
When you wake up tomorrow focus on relaxing your self. Breathe deeply and slowly into your stomach.
I believe arrowroot and peppermint tea are good for nausea.
I would make an appointment with your GP to get yourself checked over. As there are medications you can take to stop you being sick.
Hope you feel better soon!

13-08-10, 22:10
It's difficult to say why you've been feeling this way, so maybe a visit to your GP would help (bear in mind that anxiety/depression can also cause these types of symptoms).

I hope you feel better soon.

14-08-10, 18:48
Thank you both for the advice, I have got my mum to ring the doctors and have an appointment for tuesday afternoon.

But one question...

where do I tell people about the results of the doctors appointment?

*hugs* xx

14-08-10, 18:55