View Full Version : Just feel strange

13-08-10, 23:19
Why is it I don't have a "trigger" to my anxiety or don't feel like I do? It just takes over me and I feel like I become a different person.

All of a sudden scared of my thoughts, scared of if I'm going, scared of if I'm going to physically kill myself. I was getting so angry earlier that I scratched the side of my face as I'm sick of living as if there's 2 parts of me.

When anxiety and panic aren't present I'm the happiest, looniest and energetic person you'll meet with my head firmly screwed on but then out of the blue WHAM I feel scared, tense, ill, down, I let my thoughts and feelings get the better of me even though I'm fighting them. I mean how the HELL am I supposed to cope with it?

One minute I feel like I'm doing fine then the next I'm back on the floor again wondering what the hell's up with me.

Anxiety and Panic are the worst things to ever happen to me and I want out or at least some advice or coping mechanism that DOES work! :weep:

God help me...if you're up there!

13-08-10, 23:54
You've got some kind of "mood cycling" it seems. Try have a Counsel about that.
Maybe it helps: http://ehealthforum.com/health/topic119919.html

God help me...if you're up there!

You have to believe in somethings. no matter if he is up there or not:winks:

14-08-10, 00:40
Hmmm a very interesting read Newin. Thing is I'm a very level-headed guy most of the time but when anxious thoughts enter my mind I feel totally different.

It's horrible!

14-08-10, 13:36
Can no 1 else say they're like me then? I'm hoping I'm not bi-polar.

I've barely slept these past few nights, my anxiety feels like it's actually winning and I can't get back to normal. I need help

14-08-10, 15:58
Hi, Im a bit like you most of the time im completely fine then out of the blue it starts could be anything from thinking my hearts going to stop to imagining pains or to the 'thoughts' thinking im going to die when im on my own with the boys and no ones going to find me!!
Some of the time i can pin point the trigger to the anxiety but most of the time i cant it just comes on an overwhelmes me.
My way of copeing is i tell myself im not going there today as its silly i pick myself up and i busy myself with something and no matter how bad my symptoms get i will not allow it to break me down. I keep myself busy until its gone.
I also believe that the only way it can be cured is to beat it ourselves (my opinion) i have to be strong enough to tell myself to stop it and give myself a shake.

Hope your ok

14-08-10, 18:12
Hey Dave! Just don't afraid.
I have experienced mood cycling for awhile . You can't believe if I tell you in a minute or two my mood was changing. It was about two years ago and I could beat it.
It seems your mind is very strong. You don't need to get obsessions about physical/mental diseases. You don't even need to think about such things at all.
You probably think about somethings that annoying you and then give yourself some hopes and then you will find your mood is changing, MAYBE I am wrong, you know better.
Rene Descartes says: "It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well."
Go Get Them !:buttkick:

14-08-10, 19:12
I think you're right Newin my mind is stupidly powerful often taking over but my concious side is just as strong but only when I'm not at rest!

It's hard...how do we do this?

14-08-10, 20:02
I think there is something we all may have here: Fear of Failure.
Of-course we could not always be the winner. Instead if something defeats us like a terrible panic attack , SO WHAT!, that's just for awhile and then it goes away and you have to be happy again because you have passed it again. True or false we assume someday these attacks will be lost and like a 'Cigarette Pack' this pack of attack's content is counting down.

This is my 3rd post in this forum that I tell the others "WORKING OUT"is great for me. You may hate to RUN. but running is very good. You must LET your body feeling the Fatigue and also your mind. TO ME THIS IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT.
I hated puzzles or something like Sudoku (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudoku). But I forced myself to do that. Now I like Sudoku, I'm not that professional but I like it. Such things are necessary for our brain. Do not forget our brain also must work out.

The Romans had a proverb, 'mens sana in corpore sano,' meaning 'a healthy mind in a healthy body'
I know it is very hard to START :wall:but push yourself and move on.
Finally don't feel the shame at all because of your condition.