View Full Version : Is this a normal heart rate?????

14-08-10, 01:30
Okay at rest my heart rate is usually anywhere from 66 to 78. Work makes me very anxious and I have noticed it stays up all day at work from 84 to 96. Now I know that is considered within normal range but is this normal, it went up to 103 after I was running around cleaning! Is it normal for your pulse to go up that high just walking back and forth, wiping things off, pushing a sweeper? I am more freaked out at work now more than ever I can't quit checking my pulse all day and I go back in the morning. UGH!!

14-08-10, 03:11
Yes, that would be normal with that activity.

14-08-10, 03:14
yes thats very normal.

14-08-10, 11:47
That's good. Mine goes higher than that if I'm cleaning etc.

14-08-10, 12:11
103 is nothing to worry about and besides it's good to get your heart rate up the hearts a muscle and needs to rise in order to keep it healthy here's a heart rate graph to show you how far it can rise without harm. Just look at your age then look at your maximun heart rate it will put your mind at rest.Gazz http://www.dietandfitnessresources.co.uk/images/womens-heart-rate-chart.jpg

14-08-10, 12:22
Sorry forgot to mention these heart reading's are for generally healthy people who don't have cardiac problems it's just a guide to stop you worrying about fast pulses but if you feel that your pulse is high at rest IE over 130bpm then consult your doctor. many things can raise your pulse meds,stress, anxiety,depression, general worry about everyday circumstances, raised BP to mention afew but if in doubt consult the doctor im sure they will put your mind at rest.Gazz:)

14-08-10, 12:50
Thank you all SO SO much for the responses! I do feel better! Now I can go to work a little less anxious and it is all because of you! Hugs to all of you! Oh by the way my BP was 117/78 when my pulse was up so that is good. My BP is usually good unless I am in the middle of an attack or at the dentist for some reason!

14-08-10, 13:05
Sookie text book BP and perfect pulse no worries there (well done).

14-08-10, 17:18
Ive been here many, many times so I can sympathise with your current situation. However, the rates you describe are not abnormal. Your resting heart rate should be between...oh, id say 60-90...Anything over 100 is considered Tachycardia..Although Tach Rhythms can be appropraite is they are brought on by exercise or exertion...I would only worry if my heart rate exceeded 100 through no exertion at all and if this rate was sustained for at least 15-20 mins...Then its time to get checked out ASAP.