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View Full Version : Absolutely no panic today - wooo hooo

lilac kitten
26-02-04, 22:08
OK, so for the past couple of weeks I've been a major wreck panic and anxiety wise and thought I'd never pull up. I took today off work and had to go to Camberley to get my hair done. I was a bit anxious but unbelievably I got through the journey and the hairdressers and the whole day with no panic. I feel sooooo great.

Can't really say what I did to get through it, except to say everytime I felt a tense muscle I concentrated on relaxing it and keeping my breathing regular. Oh and talking to myself the whole journey telling myself how relaxed I was.

This doesn't always work, but it did today.

If you'd have seen the state of me on monday, one hour to do a 10 minute journey, then today; wow what a difference.

Right I'm off to enjoy some quiet time whilst kids are in bed.


26-02-04, 22:14

Well done for having a great panic free day!! It just shows you what you are capable of...youv'e done it once now and you will definetly do it again! Keep up the good work.

Im so pleased for you...hope you enjoy the peace and quiet!!!


26-02-04, 22:27

Great news - well done to you - bet you feel good eh? I am not sure about hair-dressers so you did well. I really need to make an appointment so will get round to it soon!

Good on you !


26-02-04, 22:31
Great news !!

So you've had your 1 step back and are off forward again and made huge progress today .
Well done indeed.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

27-02-04, 09:12
Well done Ruth

And if you've done it once, you'll definitely do it again. And you will find there are more good days and fewer and fewer bad ones!


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.