View Full Version : heya

14-08-10, 08:15
. Hi all. I joined this site a few days ago and have been posting on the forums but realised o have forgotten to introduce myself :). I'm a 32 yr old female who has a twelve yr history with GAD, panic and health anxiety. Am currently having a bit of a rubbish year for anxiety so am trying to learn new ways of dealing with it. So far I have found the site full of info and the people lovely. I look forward to getting to know others on this site! X

14-08-10, 08:19
Hi emm

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

14-08-10, 08:26
Ty so much. I've had nothing but support so far. X

Vanilla Sky
14-08-10, 12:49
Welcome emm :)
:welcome: x

14-08-10, 17:12
Hi Emm, just want to thank you for your comments.Its good to know that others have symptoms like mine.If you need to talk just email me.
Good luck Paperhanger {T}

14-08-10, 19:45
Hi, I'm Michelle, I am 45yrs old and I live in France. I am having panic attacks and I have a lot of anxiety at the moment. I am looking forward to having contact with people maybe with similar problems/symptons to mine. :)

14-08-10, 22:53
Paper I'm happy to try to help! Gunny you can pm me if you need to. x

15-08-10, 19:58
Hi Emm,

Its great that you have joined the site.

I joined last year, whilst going through a bad time of anxiety. The help & support was very useful to me. I hope you’ll find it equally as helpful

Take Care
Matt :)

15-08-10, 20:04
Hello Emm, I too have GAD and panic disorder, would like to chat and swap ideas on managing the conditions if you like. Im 34 and have 2 children and live in northwest england. Julie :)