View Full Version : as anyone got the book called feel the fear and doit anywayi

14-08-10, 15:07
hi just wonder if any one as the book called feel the fear and do it any way i dont ave a bank account and dont ave pay pal i was trying to see if i could get it off amazone as they sell used ones cheap just thought i could see if any one as it and dont want it anymore you no its a good job this site and youtube are free wen you read around diffrent things that sound like they could help it always ends up being about money i ave not been able to work for years agraphobia wont let me so live on low income with 2 kids still at home teenage ones as well they cost loads lol any way just thought i can only ask thanks lv trish avein so many bad days wen will it ease up i ask myself xx

14-08-10, 15:13
i got mine off of amazon,, have you not got a friend that could buy it online and you give them the money,

14-08-10, 15:56
the only person i could ask i just asked he wont do it he says he never gives is bank details on net to anything so back to square one i wouldnt mind sending money to any one who wants to sell it any way thanks for your help lv trish xx

14-08-10, 16:16
I think you can get it for free as an Ebook, just google it.

15-08-10, 07:41
I have read it many years ago when my issues were somewhat simpler. I can't say it really sunk in so i couldn't recommend it. If you want an amazing book to read then get your hands on Dr Claire Weekes!

Kel :)

15-08-10, 09:16
hi i ave read 2 of clair weeks book i ave some of her mp down loads i had sent to me from some kind lady on here i ave listend to them a few times now i no wat she saying i ave heard it many times some times i think i ave been this way to long and so stuck in my own head i live in hope that somthing will help me get it unstuck thanks any way lv trish :bighug1::bighug1:

15-08-10, 11:22
I used to have it. I'll have a quick look and come back tonight. If have it, I will post it to you. It may be that I let it go years ago though

15-08-10, 11:34
My husband just informed me that I did in fact give it to friends a long while ago ... sorry.

Is there a book recommendation/Exchange thread somewhere on here? A sticky or sub board in Misc or somewhere would be a great idea, especially as books are so expensive

15-08-10, 13:06
My husband just informed me that I did in fact give it to friends a long while ago ... sorry.

Is there a book recommendation/Exchange thread somewhere on here? A sticky or sub board in Misc or somewhere would be a great idea, especially as books are so expensiveaye that would be a good idea who do we put it to though thanks for lookin for the book never mind lv trish

15-08-10, 13:55
We used to have a book swap/loan service on here but it back fired on me as I loaned some books out and never got them back. I even had the very book you wanted Trish and as I said I sent it to someone and then they disappeared off here and I never heard back from them so lost the book.

Shame really.

Have you got a local library that you could loan the book from?

15-08-10, 20:58
aww bless it must ave been good for some one if they did not want to let it go lol how did you find it did it help u at all lv trish xxx

15-08-10, 22:10
Oops posted before I saw Nics answer

Nicola, what about exchange or give old books away type thing, rather than loan? Would that be poss?

16-08-10, 04:56
What a great idea Typer! Funny, i was thinking the same thing when i posted on here yesterday. There is another book that helped me immensely........The author is Lucinda Basset. She too has been through all the things most of us have which makes it more helpful.

Kel x

16-08-10, 15:03
I did have that book many moons ago, don't think I have it anymore so can't help with that. But this thread has reminded me how great it was, so might get it again!

17-08-10, 00:20
What a great idea Typer! Funny, i was thinking the same thing when i posted on here yesterday. There is another book that helped me immensely........The author is Lucinda Basset. She too has been through all the things most of us have which makes it more helpful.

Kel xdont you rember the name of the book lv trish xxx

23-08-10, 11:55
if you want to send me a postal order i will get one for you, i find a second hand one on amazon for you order it, then i will post it to you a trust ya pay the postage and for book, if you want me to let me and pm me.x