View Full Version : Hi I'm new here

havin a funny 5 mins
14-08-10, 16:16
Hi I'm a mum with 3 wonderful kids aged 7 - 16 who unfortunately because of my fears and living on an Island have never been on holiday. My fear is being too far away from home and then getting ill. I have a wonderful son who knows all about this stupid fear and trys to encourage me to go on day trips to the mainland as he sees how frustrated I get when he goes as I love being on the mainland once I am there, but it is just getting on a ferry to get there, its like an invisible wall stops me. Its not being on the ferry that worries me its just being away from home - if that makes sense. I travel around the Island fine now but that has taken time, as after the birth of my son 16 years ago I started getting these stupid fears of dying. I could then only go about 4 miles from my house, but as I said I can now travel around the Island and not panic. I also have a slight fear of being too far away from my youngest and my husband, who I should say is fab but also is in desperate need of a holiday. I have read so many books and have a little handbook that when I do try to get to the mainland I take with me, but the last time i went sucessfully to the mainland was 3 years ago, since then I haven't been able to go and I get so angry with myself because I know its only me thats stopping me - god when I write that down I then realise how silly it sounds but the fear overtakes everything.

Can anyone lend me a speed boat as I know if I was able to get myself backwards and forwards to the mainland WHEN I wanted to and not have to wait for a ferry I would be o.k - by the way did I say i was a control freak which my husband says is half my trouble as I have not control over getting ill.

Sorry if I went on a bit - lv desperate to get to the mainland and do some serious shopping and stop feeling like a failure.

14-08-10, 16:17
Hi havin a funny 5 mins

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Vanilla Sky
14-08-10, 16:28
Hi ad welcometo NMP :welcome:
Paige x

margaret jones
14-08-10, 16:53
Hi and welcome to this great site NMP I am sure there will be lots of helpfull advise for you here .The thing about control yes i know what you mean when we are unable to be in control that is when the anxiety kicks in for me .
I try and tell myself that really in the Grand Scheme of Life ( are we really in charge )

Hit those shops hun

Take Care Maggie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

havin a funny 5 mins
14-08-10, 22:45
Hi Maggie

Thanks for your comment it made me smile:). The site is so informative what I like the most is the 'symptoms' section and I have printed them off to keep in my handbag so I can read them if I start having a wobbly moment.

Am again going to try and get to the mainland this thursday, I'm sure there is a pair of new boots wif my name on them.

Will have to try not to think about it too much otherwise will tie myself in knots.

lv chris