View Full Version : Trouble getting counslling

14-08-10, 17:15
Don't know if this right forum to post this but I have been trying to get a referral from my GP for counselling since I started suffering from high anxiety 6 months ago. She was happy to perscribe me tabs but don't feel she offered any real support or reassurance

I've gone back regularly and explained how I'm feeling but counselling was not even mentioned. Finally after MUCH persuading she is going to write to MIND charity who have an office in my local town but she said it would take a long time even to get to get appointment. Can't believe how difficult it is to get the support I def. need!!!!

Tried private counselling for a couple of sessions but it expensive and only work part time now because of my struggle with the anxiety. Family and friends have been supportive but they don't really understand what it is like so difficult for them to give advice.

Is there any other advice on other ways I can speed up this process and get the help I need I tried even writing to my mp but had nothing back.

14-08-10, 18:07
My docs surgery does counselling there but i didnt find them much good and you only get 6 sessions which is not enough.
If you look around privately there are some counsellors who lower their prices for people who are not earning much.
ive been seeing my councellor for 3 years and she is very reasonable.
Try ringing a few or browsing the net for councellers who give concessions for people on low incomes.

25-08-10, 18:41
Things have gone downhill recently with the battle with anxiety just seem to be getting worse, gp not really helping just more keen to push more Cit tablets which not helping already tried another SSRI - Sertraline - but this pushed my anxiety up further) and offers a book on anxiety from local library (which was not available for a while) and says AGAIN long waiting list for counsellor :ohmy: Just losing all hope of support.... :weep: tried going to a local pysc clinic to see a doctor who is TRAINED speifically to help people suffering mental illness but although they got no long waiting list hey can't speak to me without gp referral :mad: so back to square one. he only thing I can do is plead with gp to refer me. If this doesn't work I am out of options! Can't get cheaper conselling cos what I got in bank but NEED the money I got as may need to give up my job if I cannot work.

Meanwhile I seem to feel worse and alone as the days go on. God it is hard work....

25-08-10, 22:35
Hi Stressederic,

Keep hassling your gp until they give you the referral, dont take no for an answer. Dont lose hope, carry on posting and maybe have a look at www.nopanic.org.uk (http://www.nopanic.org.uk) for the opportunity to start talking about your anxiety.

Take care

25-08-10, 23:28
Hi Stressederic,

Keep hassling your gp until they give you the referral, dont take no for an answer. Dont lose hope, carry on posting and maybe have a look at www.nopanic.org.uk (http://www.nopanic.org.uk) for the opportunity to start talking about your anxiety.

Take care

Thanks. Going back to gp if don't want to help will change surgery. The support on this site has been brilliant and Will try out the link as well.

25-08-10, 23:45
Have you tried contacting Mind yourself? http://www.mind.org.uk/help/mind_in_your_area they offer free/subsidised counselling in many areas for people who aren't working. There does tend to be a bit of a waiting list but I think you can refer yourself.

I don't know how old you are but because I am under 25 I was able to get free counselling through one of the youth charities operating in my area, where they have trainee counsellors who are on placements.

Do change GP until you find one who is more sympathetic about your problems.

26-08-10, 21:41
Spoke to social worker at a local clinic and he suggested going back to gp and tell them to refer me to what's called the First Access Service which apparently is first step to getting things moving. Think this service is specific to my area.

27-08-10, 22:21
That sounds like a good idea. It makes me so angry how difficult it is to get any help and counselling for mental health issues. I hope you have some luck! :)

jaded jean
28-08-10, 13:02
Hie Stressed Eric
Do try the NoPanic site, I did and subscribed for a six week support call service.You get an hour one day a week ,the cost is £12 and it really helps. I finished my lot a few weeks ago and I intend going again as I have had a break and it helps in the interim period while you are waiting . Like you I havent heard anything from my referal for a couple of months, and I found sometimes the mountain has to go to Mohammed. To get things started. it helps knowing that there is someone out there to to talk to you, they also have a crisis line if you are having a P/A they will talk you through it-its a recorded message but thats helpful ass well.
Take care Jean

28-08-10, 14:30
Hi Eric. Does your work have an occupational health dept? If so they may be able to help. X

28-08-10, 16:45
Hi Eric. Does your work have an occupational health dept? If so they may be able to help. X

Unfortunately they doesn't have such a department it is a relatively new company and is quite small so basically I will need to get help from outside. They have been supportive tho - I can appreciate it is difficult for employers to understand these kind of problems.

28-08-10, 17:11
That sounds like a good idea. It makes me so angry how difficult it is to get any help and counselling for mental health issues. I hope you have some luck! :)

In my opinion there is a def lack of resources available to support people with these kind of issues. Most GPs have limited training on mental health issues therefore just push ADs as the solution. When they were prescribed to me even tho I was a newbie to ADs I was given NO advice on the side effects, what to expect when taking them (or coming off them) or given any other options besides meds e.g. conselling. Having this info would def helped me and may even have changed my decision to take them in first place. I was just given Cit. and that it was an AD and that it would take 3-4 weeks to kick in and come back in one month and that was basically it as I remember. Ideally I would llike to stop GPs prescribing ADs and get them refer you immediately to FREE TRAINED consellors/therapists to diagnose you and provide the best course of action but appreciate that there usually isn't the necessary resources to do this.

Sorry for going on and on!

BTW: Please please remember these are just my experiences with my particular GP. Not all GPs are the same as mine and there will be lots of other people are very happy and satisfied with the support they have got from their doc please don't think my experiences will be the same with your GP.